Conference Program

December 19, 2016
18:00 Welcoming dinner*

December 20, 2016
09:30-10:00 Registration and tea reception
10:00-10:30 Welcoming speech by Professor Chu Hung-lam, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Group photo
10:30-12:30 Session 1: Subaltern encounters

Anand YANG (University of Washington)
China in Popular Imagination: Images of China in Hindi School Primers in Nineteenth Century North India

Kamal SHEEL (Banaras Hindu University)
India-China “Connectedness”:Explorations in India Writings on China

CAO Yin (Sun Yat-sen University)
Erecting a Gurdwara on Queen’s Road East:The Singh Sabha Movement, the Boxer Uprising, and the Sikh Community in Hong Kong
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:30 Session 2: Literary and philosophical reflections

Adhira MANGALAGIRI(The University of Chicago)
Slave of the Colonizer: The Indian Policeman in Chinese Literature

Gal GVILI (Columbia University)
Return of the Savage: Female Storytellers and Tansregional Folklore in the Works of Xu Dishan

LEE Yu-Ting (National University of Taiwan)
“Tagore and China” Reconsidered: Starting from a Conversation with Feng Youlan
16:30-17:00 Tea break
17:00-18:30 Meeting of “Beyond Pan-Asianism” collaborators (closed to the public)
18:30 Dinner

December 21, 2016
10:00 Registration and tea reception
10:30-12:30 Session 3: Nation-building and anti-colonial visions

Anne REINHARDT (Williams College)
Imagining Decolonization: National Capitalism and Enterprise Communities in China and India, 1926-1945

Madhavi THAMPI (Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi)
Indian Political Activism in Republican China(in absentia)

ZHANG Ke (Fudan University)
Between the Aspectant Mirrors: Reflection and Self-reflection in the Late Qing Chinese Indian Travel Writings

Tansen SEN(Baruch College)
The Maha Bodhi Society, Calcutta: A New Site for India-China Interactions
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:30 Session 4: Wartime connections

LIAO Wen-shuo (Academia Historica)
Shifting Images through War: Nationalist Chinese Perception of India during World War II

Brian TSUI (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
When Culture Meets State Diplomacy: The Case of Cheena Bhavana

Hyeju Janice JEONG (Duke University)
Islamic Diplomacy and Unexpected Diasporic Encounters: Chinese Islamic Missions to the Near East during the World War II
16:30-17:00 Tea break
17:00-18:30 Concluding session
18:30 Dinner

* Lunches and dinners are arranged for speakers and invited guests. Other participants are welcome to patronize on-campus dining facilities which serve PolyU visitors.