
3rd Biennial Conference
October 14-17, 2018 (arrive 10/14, 10/15-16 conference, depart 10/17)

Organised by the Department of Chinese Culture and the World Consortium for Research in Confucian Cultures in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Faculty of Humanities.

Local accommodation and hospitality will be provided. Participants will be responsible for their own travel. There are no conference fees.

Conference Organizing and Programme Committee:

CHU Hung-lam (PolyU), Roger T. AMES (Peking University) (co-chairs)
HAN Xiaorong (PolyU)
Peter HERSHOCK (East-West Center)
JIA Jinhua (PolyU)

Conference Theme: “Chinese Classics and the Commentarial Traditions in East Asia”

Deadline for Abstracts and Panel Proposals: NOVEMBER 1, 2017

The conference theme, Chinese Classics and the Commentarial Traditions in East Asia, is designed to invite a broad range of scholarly discussions on the canonical texts and their reception within alternative Asian and Western cultures, as well as cross-cultural philosophical analysis of the texts and commentaries.

The Consortium board especially welcomes proposals that address the conference theme in from diverse perspectives, including contemporary engagements with canonical Confucian texts. We are planning to edit a conference volume from selected presentations. Those who wish to participate are encouraged to submit panel proposals or individual paper abstracts on topics that correspond to their special areas of interest.

Panel proposals and individual paper presentation abstracts should be sent electronically to Jia Jinhua ( and copied to Roger T. Ames ( Abstracts for panels and individual paper presentations should be between 200-300 words, and include a filename that begins with the panel organizer’s or presenter's last name and closes with the year of the conference, e.g., JIA2018 or AMES2018.

Individual Paper Presentation Abstracts. The presenter's name, institutional affiliation, and email address should be included in a heading above the text of the abstract itself.

Panel proposals. The heading of the proposal should include the panel title and the name of the panel organizer. This should be followed with a brief description of the panel, as well as the names, affiliations, and email addresses of the participants. Please also provide the titles of each participant's presentation, and a short abstract.

The deadline for submission is November 1, 2017. We are asking for this early deadline because we have a limited number of slots for participants, and we are keen to give past members of the Consortium the first opportunity to confirm participation. After this date, we will open the invitations to prospective future members.

Notice of acceptance of panels and individual paper proposals will be sent to your e-mail address by the mid-December.