Roger T. Ames: Making a Text One’s Own: Reflections on Reading Chinese Philosophy Properly

Diana Arghirescu: Belongingness to the world and engagement: A Song dynasty dialogue on the Zhongyong between Zhu Xi (Zhongyong zhangju) and Chan Master Qisong (Zhongyong jie)

Brian Bruya &
Li Wenwen:
Issues in Translating the Kongzi Jia Yu

Robert A. Carleo III: Is Li Zehou’s Free Will Free?: Classical Confucian Ethics and Relational Autonomy

Chan Timothy Wai Keung: Wang Bo’s (650–76) Commentarial and Compilation Work on the Confucian Canon

Chang Wonsuk: The Transformation of Extant Commentarial Tradition into a Viable Confucian Narrative in Early Modern East Asia

Chen Dandan: Modern Exegeses and Cross-cultural Rendition of the Axial Discourse in Shangshu

Chen Yi: From Kernel to Skin –– Aesthetic Commentary on Rén 仁 and

Dennis Kat Hung Cheng: Philosophy of Emotions and Sentiments in Early Chinese Thoughts

Cheng Chung-yi: A New Interpretation of Wang Yangming Doctrine of the Unity of Knowing and Acting

Cheng Chung-ying: On Principles and Modes of Governance in Confucian Political Philosophy: Toward a Modern Formulation

Chu Hung-lam: Range of Interpretation and Elucidation in Modern Translation of Confucian Classics: the Case of Xiaojing

Jack Chun: Confucius Interpreted by a Confucian: Feng Youlan’s Interpretations of the Analects

So-Yi Chung: Joseon Scholars Interpretations of ‘Royal Perfection’ (皇極) in <Great Plan (洪範)>

Paul J. D’Ambrosio: A Collaborative Approach to Philosophies of Justice and Harmony: Harmony versus Justice or Harmony and Justice?

Fang Zhaohui: How to Understand Mencius’s View That Human Nature Is Good: Interpretations and Judgments

Gu Mingdong: Origins of Correlative Thinking and A Chinese Aesthetic: Divination in Book of Changes and Symbolism in Book of Songs

Guo Yi: From Six Classics, Four Books and Five Classics to Five Classics and Seven Scriptures—the Development of Confucianism and the Transformation of the Core Confucian Classics System

Huang Yong: Wang Yangming's Meta-ethics: Moral Realism, Anti-realism, a Response Dependent Theory, or a Stimulation Dependent Theory?

Jia Jinhua: Li Zehou’s Reconception of Classical Confucian Concept of Autonomy and Personhood: With a Focus on His Reading the Analects Today

Kang Ji-eun: The conceptual History of “Practical Learning” in Korea

Doil Kim: Fictitious Extension of Familial Attitude in Mencius (孟子)

Andrew Lambert: Li Zehou on the place of sociology, sociality and kinship in classical Confucian thought

Liu Kuan Ling: Investigation of “Emptiness ji qi 虛空即氣”

Park So Jeong: Royal Lecture on Confucian Classics 經筵 in Joseon Korea: Live commentaries of Korean Neo-Confucianism

Ngoi Guat Peng: The Religionizationof Confucianism: A study of the concept of “shangdi” 上帝 in the Qing Confucian scholar Wang Qiyuan’s 王啟元 Qing shu jing tan 《清署經談》

Nanxiu Qian: Introducing Confucianism to the West: Chen Jitong (1852-1907) and His Foreign Language Writings

Jana S. Rošker: Li Zehou’s ethics and the structure of Confucian pragmatic reason

James D. Sellmann: The Zhuangzi as a Commentary on Kongzi

Shin Jeong Keun: Yijing 疑經 and Jiejing 解經 as two approaches to Daxue: A Study on the Difference between Zhuxi and Chong Yagyong in Interpretation of the classics

SIGURÐSSON Geir: Aging: Contemporary Challenges and Confucian Configurations

Kirill O. Thompson: Delving into the Daxue (Advanced Learning) with Zhu Xi: The Way to Moral Perspicacity, Ethical Efficacy, and Deeper Resonance

Tsai George: Gratitude Without Debts in Confucian Thought

Vo Van Sen &
Nguyen Ngoc Tho:
Crossing the Boundaries and State-building: Harmonization and Tolerance in Vietnamese Religions

Ady Van den Stock: Valences of the “Thing-in-Itself”: the Concept of the Noumenon in the Philosophy of Li Zehou and the Religious Dimension of his Ethics

Wang Keping: Harmony, Justice, and Morality

Wang Xiaolin: How Japanese Face the Confucian Concept of Xiao 孝?

Simon Man Ho Wong: The Meanings of Filial Piety and “One Principle and Many Manifestations” in Zhang Zai’s “Western Inscription”

Wen Xing: Fractal Interpretations of the Classic of Changes: A Perspective of Mathematical Humanities

Yang Cho-Hon: The Meaning in The Bright Morality Annotation of Zhu Xi’s Great Learning Interpretations and The Korean Discussion of The Bright Morality in The Joseon Dynasty

Weon-Ki Yoo: A Theoretical Basis of Human Nature in Korean Neo-Confucianism

Yu Kam-por: Su Shi’s Commentary on the Book of Changes

Zeng Zhenyu: What Is Goodness of Politics: The Modern Significance of the Han Confucian Scholar Dong Zhongshu’s Political Philosophy