Fang Zhaohui

Fang Zhaohui is a prefessor of Confucian studies at the school of humanities, Tsinghua University (Beijing). In his earlier works, he criticizes those mistakes, dominating over modern Chinese academy, in applying Western philosophical concepts such as philosophy(zhexue), ontology(bentilun), dialectics(bianzhengfa), metaphysics(xingershangxue) into interpreting Chinese traditions, and explores how to revive the Chiense traditions of learning in contemporary China. In his recent researches, he is more interested in understanding Chinese modernity through re-interpreting traditional thoughts from historic, cultural and psychological point of views and re-thinking the relevance of Western values such as domacracy, freedom and the rule of law in modern China. All in all, his focus is to explore the future of Chinese modernity in an open, comparative (between Chinese culture and other cultures), and global perspective.