Ngoi Guat Peng

Ngoi Guat Peng received her Ph.D. degree from the School of Arts and Social Sciences at National University of Singapore. Recently she is teaching at Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia (Chinese programme). Her research concern focus on Chinese Intellectual History, Daoxue Neo-Confucianism, Religion Syncretism in late Ming and Singapore-Malaysia History and Literature in contemporary discourse. She had published a monograph title of Unity of Jun Dao and Shi Dao: The Discourse of “Unity of Three Teachings” in Late Ming Period 《君師道合:晚明儒者的三教合一論述》 by Linking Publisher, Taiwan , July 2016; An essay collection (co-edited with Dr. Park So Jeong) title of The Construction and Practice of Southeast and Northeast Asia Confucianism 《東南亞與東北亞的儒學實踐與建構》,published by Centre for Chinese Language and Culture,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore , December 2016. Her selected papers: The Historical Development and Current Research Condition on Southeast Confucianism,〈東南亞儒學的歷史發展及其研究現況〉, Journal of Hangzhou Normal University (Social Sciences edition), March 2018, “The Characteristics of Late –Ming Confucian Interpretations of Lü kong and Lü zhong”〈悟道之機:晚明儒者「屢空」、「屢中」的詮釋特色〉,Chinese Studies 《漢學研究》,Taiwan: Centre of Chinese Studies,,June 2017,pp. 129-158, “The One-ness Thought of Song-Ming Confucian”, International Communication of Chinese Culture, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, November 2016. pp.1-22.