SHIN Jeong Keun received his PhD in Philosophy from Seoul National University, Korea in 1999. He is Full Professor and Dean of Confucian Studies at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. He published many articles, including “Confucius` Humanistic State” (2001), “Ren(仁) interpretation of early literature in Pre-Qin” (2002), “Does Yi(義) have Self-sufficient Foundation?” (2003), “Qi Philosophy and Contingency” (2007), “A Historical Approach to the Analects” (2009), “Kang You-wei and Characteristics of Comment on Zhongyong” (2010), “A study on crucial difference of Mengzi and Xunzi thought” (2011), “Four ways to moral perfection” (2012), “The Road to Modern Confucianism, Desinification and Confucianism of Human Rights” (2014), “From Jingxue 經學 to Philosophy and from There, Whence? (2015, in Chinese)”, “The Debate on Xin: Zhuangzi's Argument and Xunzi's Response” (2016), “Creation of Art Space in East Asia” (2017).