Wang Keping

WANG Keping (Keping WANG/王柯平) is a fellow of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), philosophy professor of CASS Graduate School, and University Professor of Beijing International Studies University where he once worked as director of Institute for Transcultural Studies over a decade. He has academic interest in aesthetics and ancient philosophy. His major writings in Chinese include the Moral Poetics in Plato’s Laws (2015), Plato’s Poetics in the Republic (2005, rev. 2014), Aesthetics in Tourism (2015), Towards the Transcultural Aesthetics (2002, rev. 2014), Sightseeing as an Aesthetic Activity (1990, rev. 2006). His main publications in English include the Rediscovery of Sino-Hellenic Ideas (2016), Reading the Dao: A Thematic Inquiry (2011), Spirit of Chinese Poetics (2008), Ethos of Chinese Culture (2007), and The Classic of the Dao: A New Investigation (1998, rep. 2010). He has translated from English into Chinese such works as the Aesthetic Theory by T. Adorno, Ancient Philosophy by A. Kenny, and The Philosophy of Art by C. J. Ducasse, among many others. Quite recently he and Rick Benitez have co-edited the Reflections on Plato’s Poetics (2016). He is currently vice president of Chinese Society for Aesthetics (CSA), and guest professor of both Hsinghua University Center for Greco-Roman Philosophy and Religion and Beijing Normal University Center for Literary and Art Studies. He was formerly visiting fellow of St. Anne’s College of Oxford University (2000), honorary member of Olympic Center for Philosophy and Culture under University of Athens (2006-2008), visiting professor of School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry of Sydney University (2010) and Sciences Politiques de Bordeaux (2017), Vice President of International Society for Universal Dialogue (ISUD, 2010-2012), and Deputy across countries of International Association for Aesthetics (IAA, 2013-2016).