Weon-Ki Yoo

- Born in 1964 in Chŏnan/Korea

- Education:
Sogang University (BA, Seoul/Korea),
Glasgow University (MPhil in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Glasgow/UK),
Bristol University (PhD in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Bristol/UK),
Sungkyunkwan University (PhD in Korean Philosophy, Seoul/Korea)

- Research Interest: Philosophy of Mind, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, etc. in Ancient Greek Philosophy and Korean Philosophy

- Works:
a) about 50 articles in Korean or English:
“Is Aristotle’s Theory of Mind and Body Functionalism”,
“The Theory of Nature in the East and the West”,
“A Philosophical Analysis of the Concept “Bal/Fa”in the Four-Seven Debate …,
“Aristotle’s Philosophical Anthropology”,
“Is Yulgok’s Theory of Mind Consistent?”,
“A Research Methodology for Korean Neo-Confucianism”,
“The Problem of Sadanpujungjŏl 四端不中節 in the Four-Seven Debate”, etc.
b) about 12 translations from English:
An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Atheism by D. Harbour,
The Idea of Nature by R. G. Collingwood,
Teleology by A. Woodfield,
Aristotle’s Children by R. E. Rubenstein,
Introduction to Ancient Philosophy by Don. E. Marietta,
A Materialist Theory of the Mind by David Armstrong,
On Libertyby J. S. Mill, etc.
c) 3 translations from Ancient Greek:
On the Soul by Aristotle,
Philebus by Plato,
Defence of Socrates, Crito, and Symposium by Plato
d) 3 single authored books in Korean:
Nature Does Nothing in Vain: Aristotle’s Natural Philosophy,
Aristotle’s Politics: Looking for the Conditions for Happiness,
Analytical Research into the Debates in Chosŏn Sŏngnihak: the Four-Seven Debate and the Human-Moral Mind Debate (expected to be translated into Chinese and published in China in 2019)

- Current Position: Professor at Department of Philosophy & Ethics, Keimyung University, Korea