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Departmental Academic Advisor (DAA)

Prof. John Kieschnick

The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Professor of Buddhist Studies

Department Chair

Department of Religious Studies

Standford University



Overseas Academic Advisors (OAA)

Prof. Ng On-cho

Professor of History, Asian Studies and Philosophy

Director of Asian Studies Program

Department of History

Pennsylvania State University


Prof. Chow Kai-wing

Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures

Professor of History

Affiliated Faculty of Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies

Professor of Medieval Studies

Department of History

University of Illinois


Departmental Advisory Committee (DAC) member

Chairman: Mr. TAM Kwong Lim

Managing Director

Kingstar Shipping Limited


External Members

Ms. BAO Weiwei, Wendy

General Manager

STK Interactive Technology Co. Ltd.


Prof. CHU Yiu Wai Stephen

Professor & Director,

Hong Kong Studies Programme,

School of Modern Languages and Cultures, The University of Hong Kong


Ms. Cally KWONG Mei-wan

Managing Director of Cally K Jewellery

University Fellow of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Prof. LAI Ming Chiu

Department Chairman; Professor,

Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Mr. LEE Yiu Fai

Abbot, Sik Sik Yuen


The Reverend Dr. Philip L. WICKERI

Advisor to the Archbishop on Theological and Historical Studies,

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican Church)