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史凱博士 PhD (Yale) 助理教授 |
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Biographical Sketch/簡介
Schoenberger博士曾參加過許多合作性及跨學科的研究。在美國學術團體協會及蔣經國基金會等組織的大力支持下,他正在和幾位著名的文學、歷史及美術等專業的學者一起合作撰寫一本有關明末藝術家徐渭的書。他曾在加州大學洛杉磯分校 、蘇州大學的“兩岸三地”等會議中以中、英文發表過論文。
在研究方法上,Schoenberger博士運用認知科学及數位人文學科的新方法, 為中國詩歌及戲劇的美學效果的研究提供客觀的數據資料和統計。
Academic Qualifications/學歷
- 美國耶魯大學博士(2013)
- 美國耶魯大學碩士(2009)
- 美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學學士(2004)
Present Positions/現任
- 香港理工大學中國文化學系助理教授 (2017年1月開始)
Positions Held/曾任
- 美國西沃恩南方大學客座助理教授(2014–16)
- 美國哈佛大學博士後研究員(2013–14)
- 美國耶魯大學東亞文學系教學助理(2007–09)
Specialization and Research Interests/專門研究領域、研究關注
- 東亞傳統戲劇學及表演藝術
- 中國傳統詩歌及格律
- 中國傳統音樂學
- 認知詩學
- 數位人文
- 2016 Review: The Sound and Sense of Chinese Poetry. Special number of the Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2.2; November 2015), edited by Zong-qi Cai, CLEAR (Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews), Vol. 38 (2016)
- 2014 Review: “Re-reading the Seventeenth Century: Ding Yaokang (1599–1669) and His Writings,” by Xiaoqiao Ling, dissertationreviews.org
- 2013 “Rhythm and Prosody in a Late Imperial Musical Adaptation of Tang Poetry: Expectations Created, Fulfilled, and Denied.” CLEAR (Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews), Vol. 35 (2013): 147–167
- 2012 晚明“混音文化”現象在徐渭《歌代嘯》中的體現 (“Manifestations of Late-Ming ‘Remix Culture’ in Xu Wei’s Ge-dai-Xiao”) Journal of Soochow University, Philosophy & Social Science Edition, Vol. 33, No. 1 (2012), 151–155
Conference Presentations/學術會議報告
- 2017 “Intertextuality and the City: Bartholomew Fayre and Ge dai xiao,” MLA, Philadelphia
- 2016 “Between Presentation and Representation: Storytelling and the Origins of East Asian Drama,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA 2016 “Kunqu: Rehistoricizing the Classical Form of Chinese Opera,” UCLA
- 2015 “Music not of this World: Storytelling and the Dialogic Imagination in Hong Sheng’s ‘Hall of Everlasting Life,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
- 2014 傳統戲劇中的說唱因素:以《長生殿·彈詞》為例 (“Traditional Storytelling Genres in Late Imperial Musical Drama: The ‘Ballad’ Scene in ‘Hall of Everlasting Life’”), CHINOPERL (“Chinese Oral and Performing Literature”) Annual Meeting, March, 2014
- 2013 Invited Talk, Cornell University: “A Duet for One: Misrecognition and the Mirror Structure in Xu Wei’s ‘Zen Monk Jade’”
- 2013 “Prosody of ‘Four Cries of the Gibbon,’” Presented at “Late Imperial Personhood: Posthumanist Perspectives on the Premodern Xu Wei (1521-1590),” 6/2013
- 2012 “The Poetry and Musicological Writings of Xu Wei,” presented at “Late Imperial Personhood: Posthumanist Perspectives on the Premodern Xu Wei (1521-1590)”
- 2012 論王驥德《韓夫人題紅記》中的互文性結構及節奏把握 (“Intertextuality and Rhythm in Wang Jide’s Lady Han Inscribes Red”), presented at the “Two Lands, Three Shores” Chinese Opera Conference, Suzhou, China, June, 2012
- 2010 Wang Jide’s Platonic Garden: Idealism and Disillusion in ‘Lady Han Inscribes Red’ presented at New England Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, 2010