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林學儀博士 PhD (Princeton) 專任導師 |
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Biographical Sketch/簡介
Lin Hsueh-Yi’s research is concerned with two aspects of intellectual change, the first surrounds identity and historical memory as well as their ideological underpinnings, and the second centers on the transmission and institutionalization of values in historical context. Dr. Lin is a scholar of late imperial China, with a special interest in the sociocultural processes in which ethic codes were promoted, circulated, and materialized. Currently she is finishing a monograph on loyalism, examining its development and reception in China within the nexus of intellectual, political, and military history from the seventeenth to the twentieth century.
Before joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dr. Lin worked at the Academia Sinica, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the National University of Singapore. She has taught a wide range of courses from Classical Chinese, Confucianism, commerce and medicine in China, to crime fiction in English and Chinese. At the Polytechnic University, she will be teaching courses on the cultural history of travel as well as on storytelling and popular stories in premodern China.
Academic Qualifications/學歷
- Ph.D., East Asian Studies, Princeton University.
- M.A., East Asian Languages & Cultures, Columbia University.
- M.A., History, National Tsing Hua University.
- B.A., History, National Taiwan University.
Present Positions/現任
- Teaching Fellow, Dept. of Chinese Culture, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2017-.
Positions Held/曾任
- Visiting Fellow, Dept. of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore (NUS), 2015-2016.
- Associate Lecturer, Dept. East Asian Languages & Literature, UW-Madison, 2012-2015.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica, 2010-2011.
- The Politics of Loyalism: Its Rise, Consolidation, and Remembrance from Late Imperial to Modern China, 250 pp. In progress.
Accepted Articles and Book Chapters
- “Qian Qianyi (1584-1664) as a Buddhist in the Ming-Qing Transition,” Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies (July 2018), 76-115.
- “National Politics through Local History: A Look at Reconstruction Attempts of the Donglin Academy,” Ming Qing Studies (2017), 71-96.
- “What Do We Owe to the Martyrs? Commemoration of War Dead during the Early Qing.” In Cheuk Yin Lee et al., ed., Cultural Diversity: Religion and Society in Late Ming and Early Qing China (National University of Singapore Press, forthcoming).
- “‘Scientific Chinese Medicine’: A Transnational History of Pharmaceutical Development.” Book chapter submitted. Forthcoming in Global Herbs and Technosciences. The Rise of the Asian Pharmaceutical Industry, edited by Vincanne Adams, Laurent Pordiè, & Wen-Hua Wang, book manuscript in preparation for submission to MIT Press.
Book Reviews
- Book Review of Minghui Hu, China's Transition to Modernity: The New Classical Vision of Dai Zhen (Seattle, University of Washington, 2015). Frontiers of Chinese History, forthcoming.
- Book Review of Lawrence C. H. Yim, The Poet-Historian Qian Qianyi (Routledge, 2009), in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 32 (Dec. 2010).
Translations / 翻譯
- Kaerwen 喀爾文 [Calvin]. Taipei: Rye Field Publishing, 1999. Chinese translation of Michael A. Mullett, Calvin (London & New York: Routledge, 1989).
Selected Fellowships and Awards
- Dean’s Reserve, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2017.
- Staff Development Fund, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2017.
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Scholar Award, 2014.
- Research Travel Grant, co-funded by Cermes3 (CNRS/EHESS/Inserm) in Paris and the Cluster of Excellence at Heidelberg University, 2013.
- Honored Instructor Award, Office of Academic Initiatives, Division of Housing, UW-Madison, 2012.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Institute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica, 2010-2012 (declined the 2011-2012 fellowship for family reasons).
Invited Talks & Papers (Since 2013)
- May 2018 “Qian Qianyi as a Buddhist in the Ming-Qing Transition.” Paper presented at the international conference, “Qian Qianyi: The Poet and His Circle.” Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Dec. 2015 “Mapping Martyrdom: The Geopolitics of Ming Loyalism.” Paper presented at the international symposium, “Cultural Diversity: Society and Religion in Late Ming and Early Qing.” National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Nov. 2014 “What Do We Owe to the Martyrs? Commemoration of War Dead in the Early Qing.” Paper presented at the conference, “Between the Visible and the Invisible: Cosmology, Ritual, and Hermeneutics in Historical and Contemporary Chinese Worlds,” University of California-Berkeley, California.
- Jan. 2014 “The Significance of Loyalism in Late Imperial China.” Talk given at the History Department, Illinois State University, Illinois.
- Aug. 2013 “War, Memory, and Historiography: Implications of the Genre of Martyrs in the Early Qing.” Talk given at the Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- June 2013 “From Kampo to ‘Scientific Chinese Medicine’: A Case of Pharmaceutical Development in Transnational East Asian Context.” Paper presented at the 2013 International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS) conference, Macao, P.R.C.
Talks & Conference Papers (Since 2013)
- Nov. 2017 “Breaking the Symbiosis: The Destruction of the Shrines and the Decline of Confucianism.” Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of American Academy of Religion, Boston.
- June 2015 “Local History and National Politics in the Reconstructions of the Donglin Academy, 1604-2004.” Paper presented at the AAS-in-Asia International Conference, Taipei.
- Mar. 2015 “Local History and National Politics in the Reconstructions of the Donglin Academy, 1604-2004.” Paper presented at the 2015 Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago.
- June 2014 “Remodeling History: Lessons of the Song in the Ming-Qing Transition.” Paper presented in the 2014 International Interdisciplinary Conference on Middle Period China, 800-1400. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Mar. 2014 “What Do We Owe to the Martyrs? Commemoration of War Dead in the Early Qing.” Paper presented at the 2014 Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Nov. 2013 “Ambivalent Conversion: Crossovers between Literati and Monastic Communities in Qian Qianyi’s Buddhist Projects.” Paper presented at the 2013 American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
Organized Panels & Public Lectures (Since 2014)
- Faculty of Humanities 10th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture Series, History Lecture by Professor Wang Fan-sen (Academia Sinica). September 2018.
- Faculty of Humanities 10th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture Series, Religion Lecture by Professor Kenneth Dean (McGill University/National University of Singapore). May 2018.
- Panel “The Religious as Secular: Ritual, Identity, and Power Relations at Imperial and Confucian Sacred Sites.” The 2nd AAS-in-Asia Conference, Taipei, June 2015.
- Panel “The Religious as Secular: Space, Ritual Practice, and Power Relations at Confucian Sacred Sites.” Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, March 2015.
- Panel “Death, Displacement, and Memory: Writing about the Impact of Great Wars in Late Imperial China.” Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 2014.
Committee & Service Experience
- Advisor, BICS (Two-Year Major in Chinese Culture) Theses of Wing Yee Chan, Ying Chau, Ling Nui Lau, and Pui Yui Li (Spring 2018, Hong Kong PolyU).
- Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation Examiner for Zhenzhen Zou (April 2016, NUS)
Thesis: “Lecture, Publication, and Civil Service Examination: A Historical Study on the Development and Official Recognition of the Learning of Wang Yangming in Mid- and Late Ming China.” - Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation Examiner for Weiguo Cao (May 2016, UW-Madison)
Thesis: “In Search for Veritable Truth: Liang Yusheng’s Critical Study of the Doubtful Passages in the Grand Scribe’s Records.