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副院長 梅林寶博士 PhD (Princeton) 副教授 |
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Academic Qualifications/學歷
- Princeton University; Ph. D program, East Asian Studies (2000 – 2007)
- Academia Sinica 中央研究院; Junior Visiting Scholar, Institute of History and Philology. Nan-kang, Taiwan (2003 – 2005)
- Center for Non-Western Studies; Advanced Master’s Program. Leiden, The Netherlands (1998 – 1999).
- Fo-kwang [Buddha’s Light] University 佛光大學; Graduate Program in Religious Studies, exchange student. Chia-i, Taiwan (fall semester 1997)
- National Taiwan University 國立台灣⼤大學; Exchange student, Chinese History Dept. Taipei, Taiwan (1995 – 1996)
- Leiden University; M.A. in Sinology, Leiden, The Netherlands (1990 – 1997)
Present Positions/現任
- Associate Professor, Dept. of Chinese Culture, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2017-.
Positions Held/曾任
- Associate Professor, “Chinese Religion.” East Asian Languages & Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2014-2017; before that, Assistant Professor, 2007-2014).
- Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore (July 2015 – December 2016)
- Resident Director, Global Gateway Program, Shanghai (May/June 2015)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 中央研究院, Nan-kang, Taiwan (2 year postdoc, 2010 – 2012, second year not used).
- Instructor, Bryn Mawr College (PA). Spring semesters of 2006 and 2007.
Honors and Awards
- The Heirs of Peach Spring: Daoist Frameworks for Chinese Village Culture. PI, Hong Kong General Research Fund (GRF), 2021-2023. Project ref # 15608820.
- Summer Research Grant (Summer 2017). The Graduate School, UW-Madison
- Senior Scholar Grant (February-June, 2016). Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Taiwan
- Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies (July-December, 2015). Center for Chinese Studies, Taipei, Taiwan (forfeited 2015 and forfeited 2016).
- NEH Summer Seminar, Introduction to Daoist Literature and History (July 14- Aug. 1, 2014). University of Colorado, Boulder.
- Visiting Senior Research Fellowship (May-Aug. 2013). Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.
- Summer Research Grant (Summer 2012). The Graduate School, UW-Madison
- CIAC Small Grant (Summer 2011). Association for Asian Studies
- Postdoctoral Fellowship (2010-12). IHP, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2nd year forfeited)
- Junior Scholar Grant (2010-2011). Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Taiwan
- Summer Research Grant (Summer 2009). The Graduate School, UW-Madison
- Research Grant (Summer 2007). École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), Paris
- Dissertation Completion Fellowship (September 2005-August 2006). EAS Program, Princeton University
- CCS Research Grant (January-June 2005). National Central Library Taiwan
- Junior Visiting Scholar, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (September 2003-August 2005)
- Research Grant (2003). James Liu Foundation
- Research Grant (Summer 2003). Graduate School, Princeton University
- Traveling Award (Summer 2002). Graduate School, Princeton University
- Pre-dissertation Scholarship (Summer 2001). Graduate School, Princeton Univ.
- Five-Year Fellowship Award (2000-2005). Graduate School, Princeton University
- Advanced Master’s Scholarship (1998-1999). Center for Non-Western Studies, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- Exchange Student Scholarship (Fall 1997). One semester scholarship at Buddha’s Light University, Chia-I, Taiwan
- Exchange Student Scholarship (1995-1996). Year-long scholarship for enrollment at National Taiwan University awarded by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Positions Requiring Scholarly Competence
- Editorial Board, “Research Series on Sources of Daoist Ritual” 道教儀式資料研究叢 (edited by John Lagerwey & Lü Pengzhi, since 2011)
- Editorial Board, “Journal of Daoist Studies” (since 2009)
- Board Member, Society for the Study of Chinese Religion (SSCR; since 2017)
- Steering Committee, Daoist Studies Group, AAR (2008-14)
- Demonic Warfare: Daoism, Territorial Networks, and the History of a Ming Novel (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2015)
Articles and Chapters in Edited Volumes
- “Peach Blossom Spring’s Long History as a Sacred Site in Northern Hunan.” T’oung Pao 1 (2021) In Press.
- “The Interiority of Landscape: Images towards Transcendence in 17th Century Chinese Painting.” Asia Major (2021). In Press.
- “Classifying a Local Cult in Hunan: Daoist Ritual, Ideology, and Efficacy of the ‘General Who Quashed Bandits’.” In P. Clart, V. Goossaert & Hsieh S.W. (eds.), Daoism and Local Cults: Rethinking the Paradigms (Taipei: Center for Chinese Studies, 2020): 127 – 165.
- “Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, and Chinese Popular Religion.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History. Oxford University Press. Article published November 2019. doi:
https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190277727.013.126. - "Vernacular ‘Fiction’ and Celestial Script: A Daoist Manual for the Use of Water Margin.” Religions 10.9 (2019), 518; https://doi.org/10.3390/rel10090518
- “The Dark Emperor’s Law: A Daoist Temple and Its Codification of Rituals in Hunan.” Studies in Chinese Religions 4.1 (March 2018): 66-111.
- “Daoist Modes of Perception: “Registering” the Living Manifestations of Sire Thunder, and why Zhuang Zi is relevant.” Daoism: Religion, History and Society 道教研究學報 8 (Dec. 2016), pp. 33-89.
- “Death and Demonization of a Bodhisattva: Guanyin’s Reformulation within Chinese Religion.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 84.3 (2016), pp. 690-726
(https://doi.org/10.1093/jaarel/lfv104) - “Dancing with the Gods: Daoist Ritual and Popular Religion in Central Hunan” In Lagerwey & Lü (eds.), Comparative Ethnography of Local Daoist Ritual 「地方道教儀式實地調查比較研究」. (Taibei: Xin Wenfeng, 2013), pp. 113-84. Invited contribution.
- “Chinese Religion in the Ming and Qing.” In Randall Nadeau (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Chinese Religions (Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2011), pp. 125-144. Invited contribution.
- “Daoism.” In Jacob Neusner (ed.), Introduction to World Religions: Communities and Cultures (Abingdon Press, 2010), pp. 233-49. Invited contribution.
- “From ‘Withered Wood’ to ‘Dead Ashes’: Burning Bodies, Metamorphosis, and the Ritual Production of Power.” Cahiers d’Extrême Asie 19 (2010), pp. 217-66.
Translations / 翻譯
- “The Corpus of Daoist Ritual: The Song of the Dark Pearl.” In Jack Miles (ed.), The Norton Anthology of World Religions (NYC: Norton, 2015), pp. 1923-28.
Projects in Progress
- “Ritual Landscapes: Daoist Culture and Ecology in Rural China” Monograph that brings my fieldwork in dialogue with Chinese history, literature and religious studies.
- “Key Terms and Discourses for Chinese Religious Studies.” Edited volume based on the 2019 Critical Terms conference (see service). With Natasha Heller.
- "Daoism during the Ming Dynasty, 1368 - 1644." Article that reconsiders the role of Daoism played within Ming society.
- Review of A. Schonebaum, Novel Medicine: Healing, Literature, and Popular Knowledge in Early Modern China. Seattle: University of Washington Press (2016). Asian Medicine 14 (2019) 343–349
- Review of S. Jones, Daoist Priests of the Li Family: Ritual Life in Village China. Honolulu: Three Pines (2017). China Quarterly 233 (March 2018): 262-264.
- Review of M. Shahar, Oedipal God: The Chinese Nezha and his Indian Origins. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press (2015). T’oung-Pao 103, 1-3 (2017): 291-296.
- Review of W.L. Idema & S. West, The Generals of the Yang Family: Four Early Plays. Singapore: World Scientific (2013). Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 39 (2017): 181-84.
- Review of R. Wang, The Ming Prince and Daoism. Oxford UP (2012). Published in Daoism: Religion, History, Society 1 (2013): 197-99.
- Review of V. Goossaert and D. Palmer, The Religious Question in Modern China. Chicago UP (2011). Daoism: Religion, History, Society 道教研究學報 5 (2013): 210-12.
- Review of Florian Reiter, Basic Conditions of Taoist Thunder Magic. Harrassowitz (2007). Published in Journal of Chinese Religion 36 (2008): 184-86.
- Review of Livia Kohn and Harold Roth (eds.), Daoist Identity: History, Lineage, and Ritual. University of Hawai’i (2002). Published in December 2004 on www.daoiststudies.org
Invited Talks
- “Local Gods and Trans-local Rituals: The Role of Daoism for 'Popular Religion' in Hunan.” Hong Kong University, Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, September 18, 2018.
- “Fengshen yanyi and its Relationship to Daoist Ritual in Hunan (PRC)” 《封神演義》與湖南道教的關係. Talk delivered in Mandarin at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, February 24, 2017.
- “Fengshen yanyi and the Ritual Challenge to Literature: A View from the Village” Talk delivered at the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, Feb. 21, 2017
- “Fengshen yanyi and the Ritual Challenge to Literature: A View from the Village” Talk delivered at the Dept. of Chinese Studies, NUS, Singapore, Nov. 14, 2016
- “Enter the Vision: Daoist Directions for Finding Transcendence in Paintings.” Talk delivered at “Alternate Dreams: 17th-Century Chinese Paintings from the Tsao Family Collection,” symposium at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. October 15-16, 2016.
- “Fengshen yanyi and its Relationship to Daoist Ritual” 《封神演義》與道教的關系. Talk delivered in Mandarin at the Taoist College, Singapore, July 16, 2016.
- “Painting Fiction as Reality: How to Deal with the Imaginary in Late Ming Classical Chinese Fiction” 畫虛為實:如何對待明末⽂文⾔言小說中的想像境界. Talk delivered in Mandarin at the National University of Singapore, October 27, 2015.
- “How to capture Paradise? Uses of the Peach Blossom Spring by literati, ritualists, and farmers.” Talk delivered at the University of Pennsylvania, January 15, 2014
- “Relating (to) the Chinese Past: Why Ritual is Important for Local History.” Paper presented for the ARI Seminar Series, NUS-ARI, Singapore, Aug. 20, 2013.
- “What is Local about Local Religion? The Pantheon of an Ordination Document from Hunan.” Paper presented at the Conference “Scriptural Daoism and Local Religion,” National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan, July 11-12, 2013.
- “Of Statues and the Local Soil: How Village Gods in Hunan Speak Daoist Theology.” Paper presented at “Icons Charts and Talismanic Scripts: Daoist Visual Culture,” Workshop at Dartmouth College, Hanover (NH), May 22, 2012
- “The Gods of Literature: Ming Novels and their Ritual Models.” Talk delivered at Barnard College, March 1, 2012
- “Rethinking the Novel: Exorcism, Community, and Vernacular Narrative in Late Imperial China.” China Humanities Seminar, Harvard University, Nov. 28, 2011.
- “Ming Dynasty Novels and the Traditions of the Ritual Masters” 明代小説與法師傳統. Talk in Mandarin Chinese at the Institute of Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, July 27, 2011.
- “The Daoists of Yangyuancun (Hunan)” 湖南楊源村道⼠士. Presentation in Mandarin Chinese, International Scholarly Conference on the Comparative Ethnography of Local Daoist Ritual. Chinese U. of Hong Kong, April 21-25, 2011.
- “Locality, State, and Taoist Liturgy: The Contest over Local Religion and its Spatial Powers.” Workshop on Daoist Ritual and Chinese Popular Religion, December 2010, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.
- “Of ‘Withered Wood’ and ‘Dead Ashes’: Self-incineration in the Ritual of Body Transformation” 「枯⽊木」與「死灰」:化身儀式中的⼈人體自焚. Talk in Mandarin Chinese at National Cheng-Chih University, Dec. 16, 2010.
- “Zhuang Zi’s Withered Wood and Dead Ashes: Human Self-Incineration in the Daoist Ritual of Body-transformation 《莊子》的「枯木」與「死灰」:道 教化身儀式中的⼈人體自焚. Talk in Mandarin Chinese at National Taiwan Normal University (Dept. of Religious Studies), Nov. 4, 2010.
- Roundtable discussion on “Han Xin’s Revenge: A Daoist Mystery.” (Chinese Religions Group, A18-114). AAR 2007, San Diego.
- “From the Performance of History to the Division of ‘Cosmic Fields:’ Ming Dynasty Novels and Temple Festivals” 由國家歷史的表演到「星野」的分配 – 明代小說與廟會. Paper presented in Chinese at the ‘Workshop for Religion and Ritual Customs’ at Academia Sinica, Nan-kang, Taiwan, September 7, 2004.
Conference and Other Participation
- “A Critical Term for Chinese Religious Studies: shen神.” Paper presented at “Critical Terms for Chinese Religious Studies.” International conference, June 20-22, 2019, at PolyU and CUHK.
- “Classifying ‘Local Cults’ in Hunan: Ritual Perspectives and Spheres of Circulation” Paper prepared for “Daoism and Local Cults: Rethinking the Paradigms.” International Conference, Leipzig University, Germany, 29 November – 1 December 2018.
- “The Interiority of Landscape: Images towards Transcendence in 17th Century Chinese Painting.” Paper presented at the AAS, panel A18-106 (Chinese Religions Unit and Daoist Studies Unit), Denver, November 2018.
- “Categories of Culture: Daoist Ritual and Modernity in Villages of Central Hunan” Paper presented at the AAS, panel A20-208 (Daoist Studies Unit and Ritual Studies Unit), Boston, November 2017.
- “A Local Paradise: Cultural Spheres around the Sacred Site of the Peach Spring Grotto.” Paper prepared for “The Emergence of a Temple-Centric Society,”Historical Anthropology of China Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 28-30 September 2017.
- “Communicating with Spirits: Text and Divination in Late Imperial China” AAS Panel, Toronto, March 2017. Chair/Discussant.
- “The Formation of Social Institutions: Investigating the Daoist Ritual Framework from the Perspective of Village Altars in Hunan” 社會制度的形成:從湖南鄉村神龕考察道教儀式架構. Talk delivered in Mandarin at the Workshop on Local Society and its Religious Institutions, Centre for Historical Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Sept. 2016.
- “Ritual and Locality: Fengshen Yanyi, Tianxin Dafa, Leifa, and other aspects of Village Daoism in Hunan.” International Conference on Daoist Ritual in Comparative Perspective. December 2015, Hong Kong University.
- “On ‘Representation’ in Narrative and Other Arts: How Daoists Captured Sire Thunder Not Dead But Alive.” Presentation at the International Conference of Daoist Studies in Honor of Kristofer Schipper’s 80th Birthday. September 2015, Aussois, France.
- “Female Warriors, Astral Deities, and Sacrificial Food: Religion and the Making of Vernacular Literature in Late Imperial China” (China and Inner Asia) AAS Conference, March 2015, Chicago. Discussant.
- “Beyond the Daoist Canon: Alternative Approaches to the Study of Daoist Ritual” (Daoist Studies Group, A23-220). AAR 2014, San Diego. Discussant.
- “Let the Demons Play: Daoist Exorcism and Theatrical Redemption.” Presentation at the 9th International Conference on Daoist Studies, Boston University, May 29-June 1, 2014.
- “Dancing with the Gods: Village Daoists in China.” Public lecture presented at the Hood Museum of Art, Hanover (NH), May 23 - May 24, 2012.
- “With both Feet firmly up in the Air: Who controls Zhang Wulang, the Controller of Demons?” (Chinese Religions Group) AAS Conference, April 2011, Honolulu.
- “Zhuang Zi and Daoist Ritual” 《莊子》與道教儀式. Presentation at the Fifth International Daoist Studies Conference, June 2009, Wudangshan (PRC)
- “Body-transformation in Daoist Ritual.” (Daoist Studies and Chinese Religions Group, A1-214). AAR 2008, Chicago.
- “Images of Deified Demons in Vernacular Fiction and Daoist Ritual.” (China & Inner Asia, 203). AAS 2008, Atlanta.
- “Violated Bodies: How Guanyin Became a Domesticated Demon.” (Chinese Religions Group, A19-21). AAR 2006, Washington DC.
- “A Reading of Thunder Gods: Pantheons as Maps to Daoist History.” (Chinese & Inner Asia, 169). AAS 2005, Chicago. Organizer.
- “Disciplining Thunder: New Career Openings for ‘Cultless’ Deities.” Paper presented at the conference ‘Daoism and the Modern World’ at Boston University, June 2003
Courses Taught
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Chinese Folk Religions & Beliefs 中國民間信仰
- Folk Beliefs and Occult Science 民間信仰與術數方技
- Daoism and Chinese Culture 道教與中國文化
- Essentials of Chinese Culture
- Humankind, Self, and Environment in Asian Sacred Traditions
Bryn Mawr College
- EAS B231, “Introduction to Daoism” (Spring 2006)
- EAS B210, “Late Imperial Chinese Popular Culture” (Spring 2007)
- EAS B210a, “Chinese Origins: Ancient Religion and Philosophy” (Spr. 2007)
- EAS B200, “Sophomore Seminar: Methods and Approaches in East Asian Studies” (Spring 2007)
University of Wisconsin, Madison
- RS 200 “Topics in Religious Studies: Society, Modernity, and Chinese Religion”
- EA/RS/LCA 235, “Genres of Asian Religious Writing” (annual)
- EA/RS 350, “Introduction to Taoism” (annual)
- EA 371, “Topics in Chinese Literature: Journey to the West” (bi-annual)
- EA 661, “History of Chinese Thought, Part I” (bi-annual)
- EA 662, “History of Chinese Thought, Part II” (bi-annual)
- EA 971, “Seminar in Chinese Thought: Daoist Ritual and Narrative” (2007)
- -- “The World of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi” (2009)
- -- “Exorcisms, Festivals, and Theatre in Late Imperial Popular Culture” (2011)
- -- “Ghost Stories and Divine Records of the Ming” (2014)
National University of Singapore
- GEK 1007, Chinese Heritage: Literature and History (fall 2015 & 2016)
- CH 2223, Chinese Fiction (spring 2016). Taught in Mandarin as: 中國小說
- CH 2291, Chinese Traditions (spring and fall 2016)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University:
- Associate Head, Chinese Culture (March 2018 – June 2020); Acting Head, whenever required.
- Chair, Departmental Research Committee (since March 2019; member since 2017)
- Departmental Staffing Committee, member (since 2017)
- Departmental Management Committee, member (since 2017)
- Postgraduate Programme Committee, member (since 2017)
Faculty (Humanities):
- Associate Dean (since July 2020), for Undergraduate Studies
- Chair, Faculty Learning & Teaching Committee (since July 2020)
- Faculty Committee on Undergraduate Admissions, member (since July 2020)
- Faculty Research Committee, member (since March 2019); Acting Chair, whenever required
- Faculty Staffing Committee, member (since Sept 2019)
- Faculty Board (FH), member (since Aug 2017)
- Committee on General University Requirements, Coordinator for: History, Cultures, and World Views (Aug 2017 - June 2020)
- Committee on Undergraduate Admissions, member (since July 2020)
- Board of School of Hotel and Tourism Management, FH representative (May 2018 – June 2020)
- Grievance Committee, member (since June 2018)
University of Wisconsin at Madison:
- Undergraduate adviser, Chinese Major (2007-09; 2013-2015)
- Faculty Senator (2007-08; 2013-2014)
- Secretary, Dept’s Executive Committee (2014 – 15)
- Member, Future of Asian Studies Committee (2014 – 15)
- Member, Wisconsin China Initiative (2014 – 2017)
- Member, Fundraising Committee (2014 – 2017)
- Member, Graduate Admissions Committee (2014 – 2017)
- Member, Web committee (2012 – 2017)
- Member, Curriculum Committee (2010 – 2017)
- Secretary, Dept’s faculty meeting (2007 – 2010)
- “Strange Powers and Unruly Gods in Late Imperial Novels: The Religious Origins of Vernacular Literature” 明清小說中的怪力亂神: 白話文學的宗教來源. Presentation for “Open Day” of HK Polytechnic University, October 6, 2018
- Co-organizer, “Supernatural Presences in East Asian Culture.” University-wide series of workshops and performances for the Year of the Humanities, with two ritual performances by six Daoists from rural Hunan (Sept. 2009 – May 2010)
- Main organizer, “Critical Terms for Chinese Religious Studies.” International conference, jointly organized by the Department of Chinese Culture (PolyU), the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions (SSCR), and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). June 20-22, 2019, at PolyU and CUHK.
Thesis Supervision
PhD (as main superviser)
- Naparstek, Michael, “Figuring on Salvation: The Demonic Savior Wang Lingguan and the Power of Presence in Daoist Ritual and Image at the Ming Court.” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Aug. 2018.
- Reich, Aaron, “Seeing the Sacred: Daoist Ritual, Painted Icons, and the Canonization of a Local God in Ming China.” University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2018.
- Zürn, Tobias, “Writing as Weaving: Intertextuality and the Huainanzi’s Self-Fashioning as an Embodiment of the Way.” University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2016.
PhD (as co-superviser or committee)
- Back, Youngsun, “Handling Fate: The Ru Discourse on Ming 命” University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010.
- Brackenridge, Scot, “The Character of Wei-Jin Qingtan: Reading Guo Xiang’s Zhuang Zi Commentary as an Expression of Political Practice.” University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010. Co-supervised with M. Csikszentmihalyi (UC-Berkeley).
- Cao Weiguo, “In Search of Verifiable Truth: Liang Yusheng’s Critical Study of the Doubtful Passages in the Grand Scribe’s Records.” University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016.
- Frost, Steven, “The Altar of Primordial Treasure: Ritual, Theater and Community Life in the Mountains of China’s Guizhou Province.” Leiden University, 2016.
- Lee, Yong-yun, “Ethical mapping of Tian 天and Dao 道: The Interaction between Cosmology and Ethics in Early China” University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011.
- Liu, Yilin, “The Playful Exorcist: Theatrical Representations of Zhong Kui in Ming and Qing Dramas.”University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 2018. Co-supervised with Rania Huntington.
- Lu Chentong, “Cultural and Political Authority in Fourteenth Century China: Song Lian (1310 – 1381) as Practitioner of the Dao and Architect of the Ming Empire.” Chinese University of HK, July 2019.
- Noel, Thomas, “A Reappraisal of Shanshui shi 山水詩from the Liu-Song 劉宋(420-479 CE) and High Tang Eras 盛唐(712-770).” University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016.
- Qin Ying, “Restructuring Cultural Memory in the Tang Yulin.” University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013.
- Wang Jing, “Courtesan Culture in the "Beili Zhi" (Records of the Northern Quarter) in the Context of Tang Tales and Poems.” Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009.
- Wu Chen, “How a City Speaks: Urban Space in Chang’an and the Construction of Tang Dynasty Narratives.” University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016.
MA/M.Phil. (main superviser)
- Au Chun-Kit 區俊傑, Lun Xianggang Tudigong de difang chayi he xiandai shehuizhong de tiaoshi – yi Hongkan Fude gumiao he Da’Ao Taipingjie Tudigong miao wei li 論香港土地公的地方差異和現代社會中的調適- 以紅磡福德古廟和大澳太平街土地公廟為例. MA thesis, PolyU, 2019.
- Zeng Weijie 曾維潔, Zhentizhong de yuzhou: cong Daojiao neijingtu lun shenti de yuzhou shengchengliliang he dui shenti de chaoyue 真體中的宇宙——從道教內景圖論身體的宇宙生成力量和對身體的超越. MA thesis, PolyU, 2019.
MA/M.Phil. (committee service)
- Lu Chentong, “Song Lian and his Confucian-Daoist Unity.” M.Phil., Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016.
- Zhao Hui 趙慧, Liuchao zhi Tang-Songjian shengui futi gushi yanjiu 六朝至唐宋間神鬼附體故事研究——以《太平廣記》、《夷堅志》為核心. MA thesis, National University of Singapore, 2016.
Dutch and German (native languages); Mandarin, English, and French (fluent); Japanese and Spanish (reading proficiency); Greek and Latin (passive); Taiwanese (beginner/intermediate); Cantonese (very dusty)