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黃秀顏博士 PhD (CUHK) 專任導師 |
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Biographical Sketch
Dr. Wong Sau-ngan Kate was a graduate of the National Taiwan University with major in History. She then obtained her M.Phil. in Chinese History from the University of Hong Kong, and Ph.D. in History from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Before joining the family of PolyU, She has worked as a research staff at HKU and taught Oral History at HKU and CUHK.
Alongside with regular research duties on Oral History when served at HKU, her own research interest lies in the areas of History and Memories, the Yuen and Ming History of China, Relations of China and Hong Kong and the Publication and Books in Modern China.
Studying history is a quest for the Truth and Meaning. She values the transfer of the search of values through teaching and interacting with students. To converge on teaching, learning and research is most challenging at present.
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. in History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- M.Phil. in Chinese History, The University of Hong Kong
- B.A. in History, National Taiwan University
- Certificate in Conservation and Preservation of Books and Documents, School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong
Present Position
- Teaching Fellow, Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2013.09-)
Positions Held
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Research Fellow, Centre for Chinese History (2010.11-2012.1)
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of History (2007.01-2009.5)
- Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong
- Research Officer (2008.4-2009.6)
- Research Associate (2006.4-2008.4)
- Senior Research Assistant, Hong Kong Oral History Archives Project (2002.12-2004.11)
- Honorary Research Fellow (2009.7-2012.6)
- Honorary Assistant Professor (2007.3-2010.8)
Specialization and Research Interests
- History and Memories
- Oral History
- History of the Yuan & Ming China
- Publication and Books in Modern China
Research Project
- 「記憶1967:殖民地香港的『愛國青年』際遇」口述歷史計劃 (Remembering 1967: The Live Experience of the “Young Patriots” in Colony Hong Kong (2010.11-2012.1). Coordinator and Researcher of the project.
- Pro-ROC Organizations in Hong Kong: An Historical Analysis (2008-2010). Principal Investigator. Funded by the Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research, Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.
- The Oral History of the Leftwing Trade Union Activities in Hong Kong 1940s-1950s (2007-2009). Individual Research Project. Funded by Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.
- The Oral History of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (2006-2009). Coordinator of the project from 2008 onwards. The Archive has been built up and deposited at the Tung Wah Museum.
- Hong Kong Oral History Archives Project (2002-2005). A research staff of the project. The Archives has been built up and deposited at the Special Collection, Libraries of the University of Hong Kong.
Conference & Presentation
- From Oral History to Archive: A Case Sharing. Invited guest talk on 28th March, 2013 for the “Museum and Archives Studies” module of the MA course in Cultural Management, Graduate Division of the Cultural Studies, CUHK.
- 「邊緣之火:1960年代左翼青年對六七暴動的回憶」,六七動力研究社主辦,2010年5月9日香港海員工會。(Flame on the Rim: The Left-wing Youths of the 1960’s and the Memory of the 1967’s Riots, presented at the Hong Kong Seamen’s Union, organized by the Hong Kong 1967 Synergy Group.)
- 「香港獨立工運史口述歷史工作坊」,2010年3月18日及3月25日香港職工會聯盟油麻地總部。(Oral History Workshop: The Independent Trade Union Movement in Hong Kong. Organized by the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions on 18th & 25th March, 2010.)
- 「口述歷史在香港」,2009年9月10日《亞洲周刊》編採部座談會。(Oral History in Hong Kong, internal seminar organized by Yazhou Zhoukan [The International Chinese News Weekly] on 10th September, 2009.)
- 「香港口述歷史檔案計劃及檔案庫」,2008年4月28-29日澳門基金會主辦澳門記憶專家會議。(On Hong Kong Oral History Project & the Archives, presented at the workshop on “Macao Memory” organized by the Macao Foundation from 28-29, April, 2008.)
- 與葉漢明教授:〈政治記憶與記憶的政治:香港的例子〉,2004年11月12-13日香港大學亞洲研究中心、香港大學社會系及香港口述歷史檔案計劃聯合主辦「華人社會口述歷史工作研討會」(with Prof. Yip Hon-ming, Political Memories and the Politics of Memories: Cases in Hong Kong, presented at the Conference of “Doing Oral History in Chinese Societies” organized by the Centre of Asian Studies, Department of Sociology and the Hong Kong Oral History Archives Project, University of Hong Kong from 12-13, November, 2004.)
Publication / Archive
- 《「記憶1967:殖民地香港的『愛國青年』際遇」口述歷史檔案》,香港:香港中文大學歷史系中國歷史研究中心及香港中文大學圖書館系統,2018。(The Oral History Archive on Remembering 1967: The Live Experience of the “Young Patriots” in Colony Hong Kong. Hong Kong: The Centre for Chinese History, Department of History and the University Library System, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2018.)
- 《冉冉時光:廣華人的承傳與奉獻》。香港:東華三院文物館,2013年7月。(Selected Oral Histories of the Kwong Wah Hospital. Hong Kong: The Tung Wah Museum, 2013)
- 〈陳學霖教授:學術生平和明史研究簡述〉,《明代研究》(臺北:中國明史研究學會),第十八期(2012年6月),頁1-21。(“In Memory of Professor Chan Hok-lam: Scholarship in Ming Studies”, in Ming Studies, Vol.18, pp.1-21.)
- 《東華三院口述歷史檔案庫》(http://www.tungwah.org.hk/?content=743),東華三院文物館,2011。(The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Oral History Archives, Hong Kong: Tung Wah Museum, 2011.)
- 與王惠玲等(共建):《香港口述歷史檔案庫及檢索系統》(http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkoh/index.jsp),香港:香港大學亞洲研究中心、社會學系及大學圖書館系統,2006年。(Co-worked with Wong Wai-ling et al., Hong Kong Oral History Archives: Collective Memories and the Retrieve System. Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, Department of Sociology and the University Library System, The University of Hong Kong, 2006.)
- 與王惠玲(合編):《香港口述歷史:集體記憶的採集》,香港:香港口述歷史檔案計劃及香港大學亞洲研究中心,2004年。(Co-edited with Wong Wai-ling, Oral History: Collective Memories of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Oral History Archives Project & Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong, 2004.)
- 〈鍾偉明與天空小說〉,《作家》第十四期(2002年2月),頁149-153。(“Chung Wai-ming: Novels on Air”, Hong Kong Writer, Vol.14 [2002. 2], pp.149-153.)
- 〈遼寧省檔案館藏《明太祖實錄》稿部份抄本辨偽〉,《中國文化研究所學報》,新第八期(1999年10月),頁195-232。( “A Critical Review of the Manuscript Copy of the Ming Taizu Shilu [Veritable Records of Ming Taizu] kept in the Archives of Liaoning Province”, Journal of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, N.S. No.8 [1999], pp.195-232.)
- 〈明代的濟農倉〉,《史藪》第三卷(1998年12月),頁251-299。(“A Study of Chi-nung Granary System of the Ming Dynasty”, Historia, Volume III [1998.12], pp. 251-299.)
- 〈地券與柏人:宋元江西民俗芻探〉,《中國文化研究所學報》,新第六期(1997),頁97-128。(“Tomb Contracts (Diquan) and Cypress Figures (Bairen): A Preliminary Study of Social Customs in Jiangxi during the Song and Yuan Periods”, Journal of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, N.S. No.6 [1997], pp.97-128.)
- 〈明初周忱巡撫江南的任命與任務〉,《臺大歷史學報》,第十九期(1996年6月),頁181-200。(Zhou Chen: Governing Jiang-nan in Early Ming Period”, Journal of History, National Taiwan University, Vol.19 [1996.6], pp. 181-200.)
- “A Time After Time”, in Salina Ho & Jaspar Lau K. W. (eds). Time After Time. Hong Kong: Sino Group, 2007.