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韓孝榮教授 PhD (Hawaii) 教授 |
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Biographical Sketch/簡介
韓孝榮教授先後受教于廈門大學歷史系、中國社會科學院研究生院民族系、杜蘭大學人類學系和夏威夷大學歷史系。在加入香港理工大學之前,曾先後任職于中國社會科學院民族研究所、夏威夷大學西瓦胡分校人文分部、美國康涅狄格州三一學院歷史系、新加坡國立大學歷史系、美國印第安納州巴特勒大學歷史與人類學系和嶺南大學 (香港) 歷史系。歷史學、人類學和民族研究等不同領域的熏陶培養了他對於跨學科研究的興趣。他的研究側重於近現代中國知識分子與農民的關係,中國和東南亞地區政府與少數民族的關係,以及中國與周邊國家特別是越南的關係。韓孝榮教授熱愛教學,近年主要講授有關近代中國、近代亞洲、東南亞史、中國的邊疆與民族以及世界史方面的課程。韓孝榮教授把旅行和實地考察看做是學習歷史和文化的重要途徑,並熱衷於組織學生遊學活動。他曾經三次组织巴特勒大學學生到亞洲遊學,並四次帶領嶺南大學學生赴西藏旅行。
Academic Qualifications/學歷
- Ph.D. in History (1995-1999), University of Hawaii—Manoa (夏威夷大學歷史學博士)
- M.A. in Anthropology (1992-1995), Tulane University (杜蘭大學人類學碩士)
- Master of Law in Ethnic Studies (1984-1987), Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院研究生院法學碩士 (民族學)
- B.A. in History (1980-1984), Xiamen University 廈門大學歷史學學士
Present Positions/現任
- Professor and Head, Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學中國文化學系教授、系主任
- Director of Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學香港孔子學院院長
Positions Held/曾任
- Professor & Head, Department of History, Lingnan University (2014-2017) 嶺南大學歷史系教授、系主任
- Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies), Faculty of Arts, Lingnan University (2016-2017) 嶺南大學文學院副院長
- Associate Professor, Department of History, Lingnan University (2012-2014) 嶺南大學歷史系副教授
- Associate Professor (tenured), Department of History & Anthropology, Butler University (2007-2012) 巴特勒大學歷史與人類學系副教授
- Interim Director, International Studies Program, Butler University (fall 2010) 巴特勒大學國際研究項目代理主任
- Assistant Professor, Department of History & Anthropology, Butler University (2003-2007) 巴特勒大學歷史與人類學系助理教授
- Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Department of History, National University of Singapore (spring 2003) 新加坡國立大學歷史系助理教授
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, Trinity College, Connecticut (fall 2002) 三一學院歷史系訪問助理教授
- Assistant Professor of History (non-tenure track), Division of Humanities, University of Hawaii-West Oahu (1999-2002) 夏威夷大學西瓦胡分校人文分部助理教授
- Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing (1989-1992) 中國社會科學院民族研究所 (現民族學人類學研究所) 助理研究員
- Probationary Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (1987-1989) 中國社會科學院民族研究所實習研究員
Specialization and Research Interests/專門研究領域、研究關注
- Modern Chinese and Vietnamese History 中國與越南近現代史
- Communism and Nationalism 共產主義與民族主義運動
- Peasant Movements 農民運動
- State-minority Relations 國家與少數民族的關係
- The Chinese Diaspora 海外華僑華人
- Intra-Asian Interactions 中國與亞洲國家的關係
Research Grants and Projects (since 2000)/2000年後研究獎金和項目
- General Research Fund of Research Grants Council: The Hakka Community in Northern Vietnam since 1850: Political & Ethnic Interactions (2018-2021)
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Start-up Grant: Ethnicity & Revolution on China’s Frontiers, 1920-1950 (2017-2020)
- Lingnan University Faculty Research Grant: The Teaching and Research on Local Ethno-history in Xinjiang and Xizang (2016) 嶺南大學文學院研究基金: “新疆與西藏的地方民族史教學與研究”
- Lingnan University Faculty Research Grant: Book Project: China’s Ethnic Groups and Ethnic Relations (2015) 嶺南大學文學院研究基金:“中國的民族與民族關係” (書稿)
- Visiting Scholar, project on "Southeast Asia and the Chinese Diaspora." Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Freiburg, Germany, June-July 2015
- Lingnan University Internal Research Grant: “Chinese Migrations to Northern Vietnam: 1900-1954” (2014) 嶺南大學學術研究基金: “北越的中國移民:1900-1954”
- Research Grant, The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange: “Exiled to the Ancestral Land: Chinese Refugees from Vietnam in China” (2010-2012) 蔣經國國際學術交流基金會研究基金: “被流放到故土中國的越南華僑難民”
- Butler Internal Grant for Research: “Exiled to the Ancestral Land: Chinese Refugees from Vietnam in China” (2010) 巴特勒大學研究基金: “被流放到故土中國的越南華僑難民”
- Butler Internal Grant for Research: “Spoiled Guests or Dedicated Patriots: The Chinese in North Vietnam, 1954-1978” (2007) 巴特勒大學研究基金: “越南北方的華僑華人, 1954-1978”
- Butler Internal Grant for Research: “Central-local Relations in Soviet China, 1927-1937” (2004) 巴特勒大學研究基金: “蘇維埃中國中央與地方的關係, 1927-1937”
Single-authored Monographs
- The Chinese Discourses on the Peasant: 1900-1949. State University of New York Press, 2005. 260 pp.
- Red God: Wei Baqun and His Peasant Revolution in Southern China, 1894-1932. State University of New York Press, 2014. 380 pp.
- 《中國民族關係散論》(Essays on China’s Ethnic Relations). 新加坡: 八方文化. 2015. 280 pp.
Edited Volume
- On Ethnicity. (This will be included in the Rethinking Socialism and Reform in China series). Brill (Contracted).
- 韓孝榮, <國內東南亞研究概述> (Introduction to the Chinese Studies on Southeast Asian Ethnic Groups)。《民族研究動態》, 1987(4), 頁16-23。
- 韓孝榮, <論東南亞民族形成和分布的地理基礎> (On the Geographical Foundations of the Formation and Distribution of the Ethnic Groups in Southeast Asia)。 《東南亞》, 1988 (2), 頁3-10。
- 李一夫, 關鍵, 韓孝榮, 亨利 迪薩那亞卡, <多民族和睦相處的機制—斯里蘭卡普特拉姆地區個案研究> (Mechanisms for Harmonious Ethnic Relations--A Case Study of Puttlam District, Sri Lanka)。 《民族研究》, 1991(2),頁38-44
- Xiaorong Han. “The National Identity of the Chinese Community in North Vietnam: 1954—1978.” Human Mosaic 28. 1 (1994),pp.5-13.
- 韓孝榮、葛公尚, <當代國際政治中的跨界民族問題> (The Issue of Trans-border Ethnic Groups in Contemporary International Politics)。 葛公尚主編,《當代政治與民族問題》(Contemporary Politics and Ethnic Issues), 頁178-191. 北京: 中央民族大學出版社, 1995。
- 韓孝榮, <東方民族的形成> (The Formation of East Asian Nations)。 《世界民族》, 1997(3), 頁12-27。
- Xiaorong Han. “The Present Echoes of the Ancient Bronze Drums--Nationalism and Archaeology in Modern Vietnam and China.” Explorations in Southeast Asian Studies, 2. 2 (1998), pp. 27-46. Reprinted in Vietnam Journal, Vol. 1, October 2001.
- Xiaorong Han. “Localism in Chinese Communist Politics Before and After 1949—The Case of Feng Baiju.” Chinese Historical Review, 11. 1 (2004), pp. 23-56.
- Xiaorong Han. “Who Invented the Bronze Drum?----Nationalism, Politics, and a Sino-Vietnamese Archaeological Debate of the 1970s and 1980s.” Asian Perspectives, 43.1 (2004), pp. 7-33.
- 韓知寒(韓孝榮), <孫中山想像中的中國農民和中國農村社會> (Chinese Peasant and Rural China in Sun Yat-sen’s Imagination)。林家有, 李明 主編, 《看清世界与正视中国》, 頁210-226。 天津古籍, 2005。
- Xiaorong Han. “Spoiled Guests or Dedicated Patriots: The Chinese in North Vietnam, 1954-1978.” International Journal of Asian Studies, 6. 1 (2009), pp. 1-36.
- 韓知寒(韓孝榮), <美國的越南研究> (American Studies on Vietnamese History)。《南洋問題研究》, 2010 (4), 頁78-91。
- Xiaorong Han. “The Demise of China’s Overseas Chinese State Farms.” Journal of Chinese Overseas, 9 (2013),pp.33-58.
- 韓知寒(韓孝榮) , <儒學在東亞鄰國和中國少數民族地區的傳播> (The Spread of Confucianism in China’s Frontier Regions and China’s Neighbors in East Asia)。杜維明 主編, 《嵩山論壇文集》, 頁198-209。 光明日報出版社, 2013。
- Xiaorong Han. “Exiled to the Ancestral Land: The Resettlement, Stratification and Assimilation of the Refugees from Vietnam in China.” International Journal of Asian Studies, 10. 1 (2013), pp. 25-46.
- Xiaorong Han. “From Resettlement to Rights Protection: The Collective Actions of the Refugees from Vietnam in China since the Late 1970s.” (从安家到维权:二十世纪七十年代末以来在中国的越南难民的集体行动). Journal of Chinese Overseas, 10 (2014), pp. 197-219.
- Xiaorong Han. “The Politics of Identity in Revolutionary China before and after 1949: The Case of Wei Baqun.” Twentieth Century China, 40. 1 (2015), pp. 25–47.
- Xiaorong Han. “How Special has the Special Relationship between China and Vietnam been? A Re-examination of Three Aspects of Sino-Vietnamese Relations: the Chinese Model, the Chinese World Order, and Conflict Management.” Occasional Papers, # 33 (September 2016). Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Freiburg, Germany.
https://www.southeastasianstudies.uni-freiburg.de/documents/occasional-paper/op33.pdf - 韓孝榮, <从《新越华报》看中越关系和越南北方华侨社群的变迁 (1955-1976)> (The Transformations of Sino-Vietnamese Relations and the Chinese Community in North Vietnam as Reflected in the New Vietnamese Chinese News)。《冷战国际史研究》(Cold War International History Studies), 22 (2016),頁 85-101。
- 韓孝榮, <民族關係的前後三十年> (China’s Ethnic Relations between the First Thirty Years and the Second Thirty Years)。 《開放時代》, 2017 (1)。
- Xiaorong Han. “A Community between Two Nations: The Overseas Chinese Normal School in Hanoi, 1956-1972.” Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 12 (4):23-65, 2017.
- Xiaorong Han. “Continuities and Discontinuities in Politics: The ROC and PRC Policies Toward Overseas Chinese, 1912–66.” Chinese Historical Review, 2018.
- Xiaorong Han. “The Role of Vietnam in China’s Foreign Relations.” In Clara Wing-Chung Ho, Ricardo King-sang Mak, & Yue-him Tam, eds., Voyages, Migration, and the Maritime World, 121-133. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Marxist Intellectuals and the Chinese Labor Movement: A Study of Deng Zhongxia 1894-1933, by Daniel Kwan.” (Daniel Kwan著《馬克思主義知識分子與中國工人運動: 鄧中夏研究, 1894-1933》). China Review International, 6.1 (1999), pp. 179-183.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Two Dreams in One Bed: Empire, Social Life and the Origins of the North Korean Revolution, by Hyun Ok Park.” (Hyun Ok Park著《同床異夢: 帝國, 社會生活與朝鮮革命的起源》). Canadian Journal of History, 41. 3 (2006), pp. 620-621.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of A Tibetan Revolutionary: The Political Life and Times of Bapa Phüntso Wangye, by Melvyn C. Goldstein, Dawei Sherap, & William R. Siebenschum.” (Melvyn C. Goldstein, Dawei Sherap, & William R. Siebenschum 著 《藏族革命家巴塘人平措旺杰的政治生涯及其時代》). Chinese Historical Review, 14.1 (2007), pp. 159-162.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Hu Jintao and The Ascendancy of China: A Dialectical Study, by Peter Yu Kien-Hong.” (俞建鴻 著 《胡錦濤與中國崛起的辯證研究》). China Review International, 14.1 (2007), pp. 296-299.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of After the Massacre: Commemoration and Consolation in Ha My and My Lai, by Heonik Kwon.” (Heonik Kwon 著《屠殺之後: 河美與美萊的紀念和慰勉儀式》). American Anthropologist, 109.2 (2007), pp. 393-394.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Everlasting Flower, A History of Korea, by Keith Pratt.” (Keith Pratt 著《永不凋零的鮮花: 韓國的歷史》). Canadian Journal of History, 43. 3 (2008), pp. 588-589.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Indochina: An Ambiguous Colonization 1858-1954, by Brocheux, Pierre and Daniel Hemery.” (Brocheux, Pierre and Daniel Hemery 著《印度支那: 曖昧不明的殖民, 1858-1954》) . Canadian Journal of History, 45. 3 (2010), pp. 682-684.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of China, Cambodia, and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, by Sophie Richardson.” (Sophie Richardson 著《中國, 柬埔寨與和平共處五項原則》). China Review International, 17. 3 (2010), pp. 372-376.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Wretched Rebels: Rural Disturbances on the Eve of the Chinese Revolution, by Lucien Bianco.” (畢仰高 著《可憐的起義者: 中國革命前夜的鄉村動亂》). China Review International, 17. 2 (2010), pp. 197-201.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Negotiating Asymmetry: China's Place in Asia, edited by Anthony Reid & Yangwen Zheng.” (Anthony Reid, Yangwen Zheng 編 《協調不對稱性:中國在亞洲的地位》. Pacific Affairs, 84. 1 (2011), pp. 130-132.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Heaven Cracks Earth Shakes, by Palmer, James.” (James Palmer 著 《天裂地動》). The Historian, 74. 3 (2012), pp. 599-600.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Lost Colony: The Untold Story of China’s First Great Victory over the West, by Tonio Andrade.” (Tonio Andrade 著 《丟失的殖民地:不爲人知的中國對西方的第一次勝利》). The Journal of World History, 24. 1 (2013), pp. 212-215.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of The Making of the Modern Refugee, by Peter Gatrell.” (Peter Gatrell 著 《現代難民的形成》). Il mestiere di storico, 6. 1 (2014), pp. 20-23.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of The Chinese/Vietnamese Diaspora: Revisiting the Boat People, edited by Yuk Wah Chan.” (陳玉華 著 《離散越南/華人:越南船民再探》). 《華人研究國際學報》, 6. 2 (2014年), 頁 103-104。
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Spying for the People: Mao’s Secret Agents, 1949-1967, by Schoenhals, Michael.” (Michael Schoenhals 著 《為人民當間諜: 毛的密探, 1949-1967》). The Historian, 78. 1 (2016), pp. 128–129.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Brothers in Arms: Chinese Aid to the Khmer Rouge, 1975-1979, by Andrew Mertha.” (Andrew Mertha 著 《情同手足: 中國對紅色高棉的援助, 1975-1979》). Journal of Chinese Overseas, 12. 1 (2016), pp. 172 – 175.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of Deng Xiaoping’s Long War: The Military Conflict between China and Vietnam, 1979-1991, by Xiaoming Zhang.” (張曉明 著 《鄧小平的持久戰: 中國與越南的軍事衝突, 1979-1991》). War in History, 24. 3 (2017), pp. 408-409.
- Xiaorong Han. “Review of The Rural Modern: Reconstructing the Self and State in Republican China, by Kate Merkel-Hess.” (Kate Merkel-Hess 著《現代的鄉村: 民國時代自我與國家的重塑》. The Historian, 80 (2), 2018.
Translations / 翻譯
English to Chinese
- <東南亞的民族差別和國家與少數民族的關係> (“Ethnic Differences and the Relationship Between State and Ethnic Minorities in Southeast Asia”, by Lee Yonglong)。《民族譯叢》, 1985(4), 頁 1-4。
- <馬來西亞的民族與政治> (“Ethnic Politics in Malaysia,” by Raj, K. Vasil)。《民族譯叢》, 1986(3), 頁 14-18。
- <馬來西亞的阿斯裏人> (“The Orang Asli of Malaysia,” originally published in World Minorities)。《民族譯叢》, 1987(4), 頁 59-61。
- <菲律賓地巴塔克人> (“The Bataks of the Philippines,” by James F. Eder)。《民族譯叢》, 1988(5), 頁 56-57。
- <民族誌電影的起源> (“The Origin of Ethnographical Film,” by Paolo Chiozzi)。《民族譯叢》, 1991(1), 頁 40-46。
- <應用人類學> (“Applied Anthropology,” originally published in International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences)。《民族學譯文集》, 第三輯, 頁 97-108。北京:中國社會科學出版社, 1991。
- <文化人類學> (“Cultural Anthropology,” originally published in International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences)。《民族學譯文集》, 第三輯, 頁 73-87。北京:中國社會科學出版社, 1991。
- <菲律賓的森林消亡與部落解體:巴拉望島個案研究> (Deforestation and Detribalization in the Philippines: The Palawan Case,” by James F. Eder)。《民族譯叢》, 1992(2), 頁 40-48。
- 《面具之道》(The Way of the Masks, by Claude Levi-Strauss)。上海:上海文藝出版社, 1992。 (Team project;知寒=韓孝榮)
- 《藝術人類學》(The Anthropology of Art, by Robert Layton)。北京:文化藝術出版社, 1992。(Team project;知寒=韓孝榮)
- 《原始社會的結構和功能》(Structure and Function in Primitive Society, by Radcliffe-Brown)。北京:中央民族大學出版社, 1999。(Team project; 知寒=韓孝榮)
Russian to Chinese
- <民族學在科學體系中的地位:學派和方法> (“The Role of Ethnology in the Scientific System: Its Schools and Methodology," by Yu. V. Bromley & Kreukof. Originally published in sovetskaya etnografia, 1987. 3)。《民族學譯文集》, 第三輯, 頁 122-148。北京:中國社會科學出版社, 1991。(李一夫 校)
- <東南亞華人現狀和發展趨勢討論會綜述> (Report on the Symposium about the Present and Future of the Chinese in Southeast Asia). 《華僑華人歷史研究》, 1988 (1), 頁 54-56。
- Seven Short Articles about Ethnic Groups in Southeast Asia:
- “爪哇猿人是馬來民族的祖先嗎” (The Origins of the Malay People);
- “東南亞有哪些民族信仰佛教” (Buddhism in Southeast Asia);
- “孟高棉語各族在東南亞歷史上的地位和作用如何” (The Role of the Mon-Khmer Groups in the History of Southeast Asia);
- “印度尼西亞有哪些民族” (The Ethnic Composition of Indonesia);
- “老挝的老龍人,老聽人和老松人是甚麼關係” (The Ethnic Composition of the Laos);
- “米南卡保人的母系制是怎麼回事” (The Matrilineal System of the Minangkabau People of Sumatra, Indonesia);
- “東南亞華族的情況如何” (The Chinese in Southeast Asia).
- <評文化熱中的民族學> (Why Do Ethnologists Keep Silent About Culture Studies). 《理論信息報》, 1989, 4, 24。
- Three Entries:
- Slave Trade in China (中國古代的奴隸/奴婢買賣);
- Slaves in Traditional China (中國古代的奴隸/奴婢);
- Historiography of Slavery: China and Mediterranean (有關中國與地中海地區奴 隸制的歷史研究).
- <邊疆的含義> (The Meaning of “Frontier”). 《讀書》, 1999. 2, pp. 111-116.
- <東西之外,別有洞天> (Somewhere Beyond China and the West /There Are Brilliant Civilizations that Are Neither Chinese Nor Western)《二十一世紀》, 62 (2001), pp.119-121.
- Seven Entries:
- Naxi Culture (納西文化);
- Ethnic Minority Literary Collections (少數民族文學);
- Research Institutions for Minority Nationalities (少數民族研究機構);
- Minority Presses (民族出版社);
- Bilingual Education (雙語教育);
- Private Universities (民辦大學);
- Elite Schools (貴族學校);
- “Cuộc chiến không người chiến thắng” [The Third Indochina War: A War with No Victor] (第三次印度支那戰爭:一場沒有勝者的戰爭). BBC Vietnamese, 2009, 3, 18.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/vietnamese/vietnam/2009/03/090318_han_xiaorong_1979.shtml - “Vết nhơ thứ hai của Đặng Tiểu Bình” [Deng’s Second Blemish] (鄧小平的第二個失誤). BBC Vietnamese, 2009, 5, 2.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/vietnamese/world/2009/05/090502_xiaorong_tiananmen.shtml - “The Sino-Vietnamese Border War of 1979” (1979年的中越邊境戰爭). Li Xiaobing, ed., China at War: An Encyclopedia, pp. 411-413. ABC-CLIO, 2012.
- <如何解決新疆民族問題> (Possible Solutions to the Ethnic Problems in Xinjiang)。《聯合早報》, 2013, 7, 25.
http://www.zaobao.com.sg/special/zbo/story20130725-232275/page/0/2 - <胡耀邦與當代中國的民族問題> (Hu Yaobang and the Ethnic Problems of Contemporary China)。《聯合早報》, 2013, 11, 19.
http://www.zaobao.com.sg/special/zbo/story20131119-278330 - <土地的分與合> (Collectivization and De-collectivization of the Land in the PRC)。香港電台 通識網, 2014, 5, 26.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?mode=showThread&id=2100&mother_id=862 - <中國改革發展《中國故事 - 喀似雲來》觀後感> (China’s Reform and Development: A Review of a Documentary Film about Kashgar)。香港電台 通識網, 2014, 7, 18.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?mode=showThread&id=2262&mother_id=2260 - <中國與越南應建立新型的大國與小國的關係> (China Should Set Up a New Type of Asymmetrical Relations with Vietnam)。《聯合早報》, 2014, 8, 15.
http://www.zaobao.com.sg/special/zbo/commentary/story20140815-376968 - <中央與地方> (The Central and the Local)。香港電台 通識網, 2014, 11, 17.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?mode=showThread&id=2398&mother_id=862 - <農村與城市> (Villages and Cities)。香港電台 通識網, 2015, 3, 9.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?mode=showThread&id=2504&mother_id=862 - <歷史與自信> (History and Collective Confidence)。香港電台 通識網, 2015, 7, 6.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?mode=showThread&id=2504&mother_id=862 - <一個叫痲栗坡的地方> (A Place Called Malipo)。香港電台 通識網, 2015, 11, 9.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?mode=showThread&id=2711&mother_id=862 - <三家戰爭紀念館> (Three War Museums in East Asia)。香港電台 通識網, 2016, 3, 14.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?mode=showThread&id=2811&mother_id=862 - <執政合法性的來源> (Origins of Political Legitimacy)。 香港電台 通識網, 2016, 9, 5.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?id=2935 - <為什麼分離那麼難?> (Why Has It Been So Difficult to Achieve Separatist Goals in Chinese History?) 。香港電台 通識網, 2016, 12, 12.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?id=3026 - <教育與國家認同> (Education and National Identity)。香港電台通識網, 2017, 5, 8.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?id=3116 - “本土與本土主義,” 香港電台 通識網, 2017, 11, 13.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?mode=showThread&id=3236&mother_id=862 - “個人崇拜是如何形成的?” 香港電台 通識網, 2018, 2, 5.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?mode=showThread&id=3292&mother_id=862 - “歷史的長與短,” 香港電台 通識網, 2018, 5, 21.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?id=3391 - “由 「超英趕美」談到中美貿易戰,” 香港電台 通識網, 2018, 10, 8.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?id=3482 - “古巴游四問,” 香港電台 通識網, 2019, 2, 11;2019, 2, 18.
http://www.liberalstudies.hk/blog/ls_blog.php?id=3581 - “新疆的兩大變化,” 香港電台 通識網, 2019, 4, 29.
Conference Presentations/學術會議報告
- “The Debate on the Nature of Chinese Rural Society, 1920-1937.” (有關中國農村社會性質的辯論,1920-1937).Fourteenth Annual Hawai'i Regional Conference, PHI ALPHA THETA, February 1998, Honolulu.
- “Localism in Chinese Communist Politics before and after 1949--The Case of Feng Baiju.” (1949年前後中共政治中的地方主義:馮白駒個案研究). Annual Meeting of the American Association of Chinese Studies, 27 October 2000, San Francisco.
- “Official Histories, Official Protests--China’s Reactions to Japan’s New History Textbook.” (官方的歷史,官方的抗議:中國對日本新編歷史教科書的反應) . Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, 6 April, 2002, Washington D. C.
- “Patterns of Central-local Relations in Soviet China: A Comparative Study of Hailufeng, Ganxinan and E-Yu-Wan: 1927-1936.” (蘇維埃中國中央與地方的關係:海陸豐、贛西南和鄂豫皖的比較研究,1927-1936). Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, 5 March 2004, San Diego.
- “The Chinese Peasant and Rural China in Sun Yat-sen’s Imagination.” (孫中山想象中的中國農民和中國農村社會) International Conference on Sun Yat-sen and the World, Guangzhou, China, 17 July 2004, Guangzhou.
- “Rural Reconstruction between Urban Capitalism and Rural Revolution in China: 1927-1937.” (在都市資本主義和農村革命之間的鄉村建設運動). Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, 8 March 2005, Chicago.
- <西方學者有關二十世紀中國農村的研究> (Western Studies of Twentieth-century Rural China).Conference on Rural Administration in China, 2 July 2005, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan.
- “The Bandung Conference and the Transformation of the Ethnic Chinese Communities in Southeast Asia.” (萬隆會議與東南亞華僑社區的變遷). Conference on “Fifty Years Beyond Bandung: The Linkages between Asia, Africa and the Diaspora,” 22 April 2006, Cleveland State University.
- “Spoiled Guests or Dedicated Patriots: The Chinese in North Vietnam, 1954-1978.” (被溺愛的客人,還是無私的愛國者?1954到1978年間的越南北方華僑). The Fifth International Convention of Asian Scholars, 2 August 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- “River of Happiness, River of Sorrow: The Post-Great Leap Forward Famine in the Great Temple Village.” (幸福之河還是悲傷之河:大躍進之後大廟村的饑荒) Annual Conference of the American Historical Association, 3 January 2009, New York.
- “Harmonious Relations, Unharmonious Perceptions--A Critical Examination of China’s Education and Research about Southeast Asia.” (和諧的關係,不和諧的認知:對中國有關東南亞的教學與研究的批評). International Symposium on China’s Rise and Its Impact on Asia: Democratization, Development and Culture. Center for Asian Democracy, 20 March 2009, University of Louisville.
- “Regional Integration in Asia: Lessons from the Past.” Beijing Forum, Beijing University and the Korean Foundation. 7 November 2009.
- “Qualities and Roles of Leadership in Designed Social Transition: A Comparative Study of China’s Tongzhi Restoration and Japan’s Meiji Restoration.” (計劃性社會變遷中領導人員的素質與作用:同治中興與明治維新的比較研究). International Symposium on Social Transitions in China and the West, 12 June 2010, Sichuan University, Chengdu.
- <儒學在東亞鄰國和中國少數民族地區的傳播: 幾點觀察> (Some Observations about the Spread of Confucianism in China’s Frontier Regions and China’s Neighbors in East Asia). 華夏文明與世界文明論壇:從軸心文明到對話文明 (The Center of Heaven and Earth—Forum on Chinese and World Civilizations), 22 September 2012, Dengfeng, Henan.
- “Collective Actions of the Refugees from Vietnam in China.” (中國越南華僑難民的集體行動). International Workshop: Global Displacements and Emplacement: The Forced Exile and Resettlement Experiences of Ethnic Chinese Refugees, 18 October 2012, National University of Singapore.
- “Continuities and Discontinuities between the ROC and the PRC in Their Policies toward the Overseas Chinese.” (國共對華僑政策的異同). International Conference: Overseas Chinese and the Modernization of China. Co-organized by the Research School for Southeast Asian Studies at Xiamen University, the Max Weber Foundation in Bonn, the Department of History at the University of Freiburg, and Xiamen Overseas Chinese Museum. 17 May 2013, Xiamen University.
- <多元文化主義與中國> (Multiculturalism and China). International Conference on the Preservation of Ethnic Cultures and Social Development, 26 August 2014, Lanzhou University.
- “State and Non-state Agents in Sino-Vietnamese Cultural Exchange.” (官方與民間人士在中越文化交流中的作用). International Conference on Alignments and Dealignments in Global Southeast Asia, 24 June 2015, Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Freiburg.
- <《新越華報》與越南北方華僑, 1954-1976> (The New Vietnamese Chinese News and the Chinese Community in North Vietnam, 1954-1976). The Sixth International Conference of Institutes & Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies, 17 October 2015, Xiamen.
- “Southeast Asia in Twentieth Century Chinese Historiography.” Conceptions of the World in 20th-Century Chinese Historiography, Center for Modern East Asian Studies, University of Gottingen, October 27, 2017.
- “一带一路背景下边疆地区的重新定位—以西藏为例。” 共享与发展:喜马拉雅区域研究国际研讨会,中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所、中国社会科学院西藏智库,北京,2017,11,23。
- “从辛亥革命到改革开放:东南亚华侨华人与近代中国的四次转折。” 嘉庚桥·拓新路:2018 嘉庚国际论坛。马来西亚陈嘉庚基金、新加坡陈嘉庚基金,吉隆坡,2018,10,6。
- “体制内外:二十世纪五十年代涉藏政策决策过程中的信息收集和政策咨询。” 传统与变迁:第二届喜马拉雅区域研究国际研讨会。中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所、中国社会科学院西藏智库,北京,2018,10,24。
Invited lectures/應邀講座
- “The Chinese Perspective of Parhae (Bohai) History.” (中國學者有關渤海囯歷史的觀點). The Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii-Manoa, 5 May 1999.
- “Sixteen Days in Tibet.” (西藏十六天). Butler University Change and Tradition Lunch Talk, September 2006.
- “Universities in China” (中國的大學). International Education Week, Butler University, November 2006.
- “Analects of Confucius.” (關於<論語>). Butler University Alumni Book Club, 8 January 2007.
- “Memories and Reflections of China.” (有關中國的回憶和感想). Butler University Change and Tradition Convocation Speech, 3 October 2007.
- “Change as a Central Theme in Ancient Chinese and Greek Philosophy” (古代中國和希臘哲學中的變革主題; With Dr. Tiberu Popa). The Butler Brown Bag Research Seminar, 10 April 2008.
- “Nationalism in Modern Southeast Asia: Forms and Transformations.” (近代東南亞民族主義的類型和變遷). 廣西民族大學外國語學院, 5 June 2008.
- “Tibet in Western Perceptions.” (西方人想象中的西藏). 廈門大學漳州校區, 10 July 2008.
- “Another 16 Days in Tibet.” (在西藏的第二次十六天旅行). Butler University Global & Historical Studies Lunch Talk, 9 October 2008.
- “China and Europe.” (中國與歐洲). IB/AP European history class, North Central High School, Indianapolis, 12 February 2009.
- “A Community between Two Nations: The Chinese in North Vietnam.” (夾在兩國之間的越南北方華僑華人). Center for Southeast Asian Studies and Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 9 October 2009.
- “Vietnamese Studies in North America.” (北美的越南研究). 北京大學歷史系, 13 November 2009.
- “U.S.–China Security Relations.” (中美之間的戰略關係). Indiana Council on Foreign Relations, Indianapolis, 23 February 2010.
- <在歷史和神話之間的革命家韋拔群> (Revolutionary Wei Baqun between History and Myth). 中山大學歷史系, 11 May 2011.
- <二十世紀的中國革命與農民信仰> (Revolutions and the Belief Systems of the Peasant in Twentieth Century China). 港澳珠三角研修班 (Workshop for Graduate Students from Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong), 香港孔子學院, 15 March 2014.
- <中國民族關係的幾點觀察> (Some Reflections on China’s Ethnic Relations). 閩南師範大學,December 2015.
- <好得很還是糟得很: 如何看待當代中國的民族關係?> (How Should We Assess the Ethnic Relations of Contemporary China). 暨南大學歷史系, 14 October 2016.
- “The Chinese Community in North Vietnam before and after 1978.” Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, University of Göttingen, October 26, 2017.
- “The Chinese in North Vietnam: Assimilation, Exodus, and Resettlement.” Center for Global Asia, NYU-Shanghai, February 18, 2019.
Research Postgraduates Supervised and Supervising / 研究生培養
- Marku Ylber, 2014-2017
- Parinyanat Natthaya 沈慧玲, 2017-
- Zhang Mengting 張夢婷, 2017-
Professional Service / 服務
- Editor-in-chief: China & Asia: A Journal in Historical Studies, Brill, 2019—
https://brill.com/view/journals/cahs/cahs-overview.xml?lang=en - Member, Editorial Board, Rethinking Socialism and Reform in China series, Brill.
- Member, Editorial Board, 《新亚学报》 (Journal of New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies)
- Editor, 《国际开发与技术创新》(International Development and Technological Innovation), no.1. Beijing: Chinese Science and Technology Press, 1992.
- Editor, 《世界民族研究》(Global Ethnic Studies), 1987(4) and 1988(3). Institute of Ethnic Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.
- Referee for
- Education About Asia
- Chinese Historical Review
- Frontiers of History in China
- Journal of Southeast Asia Studies
- American Anthropologists
- Critical Asian Studies
- Journal of Vietnamese Studies
- Asian Studies Review
- Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies
- Journal of Chinese Overseas
- Modern China
- 世界民族
- The State University of New York Press
- Pearson Education
- Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
- Routledge
- External Reviewer/examiner: City University of Hong Kong; University of Macau; Sydney University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong Baptist University; University of Hong Kong; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; Hang Seng University
- Specialist, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
- Mentor & Interview panel member, Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme (HKSES), Education Bureau, HKSAR
- 副理事長, 粵港澳大灣區中華傳統文化教育大聯盟