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洪長泰教授 PhD (Harvard) 訪問講座教授 |
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Academic Qualifications / 學歷
- Ph.D. (1981), History and East Asian Languages, Harvard University (哈佛大學歷史及東亞語言學博士)
- A.M. (1975), Regional Studies–East Asia, Harvard University (哈佛大學東亞研究碩士)
- B.A. (1973), Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學哲學學士)
Present Position / 現任
- Visiting Chair Professor of Chinese History, Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學中國文化學系中國歷史訪問講座教授
Positions Held / 曾任
- Chair Professor of Humanities Emeritus (2015– ), Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學人文學部榮休講座教授
- Chair Professor of Humanities (2005–2015), Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學人文學部講座教授
- Professor of Humanities (1995–2005), Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學人文學部教授
Teaching Award / 教學獎
- Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Humanities and Social Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2006 香港科技大學人文社會科學學院2006年度傑出教學獎
Publications / 出版著作
(A) Books / 書籍
- Politics of Control: Creating Red Culture in the Early People’s Republic of China (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, forthcoming 2021).
- Mao's New World: Political Culture in the Early People's Republic (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2011). Chinese translation: 《毛澤東的新世界:中華人民共和國初期的政治文化》, trans. by Wai-han Mak (麥惠嫻) (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2019).
- War and Popular Culture: Resistance in Modern China, 1937–1945 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994).
- Going to the People: Chinese Intellectuals and Folk Literature, 1918–1937 (Cambridge, MA: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1985). Chinese translation:《到民間去:中國知識分子與民間文學,1918–1937》, trans. by Dong Xiaoping (董曉萍) (Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, 1993); a second translation by Dong Xiaoping (Beijing: Zhongguo renmin daxue chubanshe, 2015).
- 《地標:北京的空間政治》(Landmarks: Politics of Space in Beijing) (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2011).
- 《新文化史與中國政治》(The New Cultural History and Chinese Politics) (Taipei: Yifang Publishing Company, 2003).
(B) Articles / 論文 (partial 部分)
- “Communist Tradition and Market Forces: Red Tourism and Politics in Contemporary China,” Journal of Contemporary China, 27.114 (November 2018): 902–923.
- “Tiananmen Square: The Grand Political Theater of the Chinese Communist Party.” LA+ (Landscape Architecture Plus) (Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Design, University of Pennsylvania, 2016): 18–25.
- "Turning a Chinese Kid Red: Kindergartens in the Early People’s Republic." Journal of Contemporary China, 23.89 (September 2014): 841–863.
- "Inside a Chinese Communist Municipal Newspaper: Purges at the Beijing Daily." Journal of Contemporary History, 49.2 (April 2014): 341–365.
- "A Political Park: The Working People's Cultural Palace in Beijing." Journal of Contemporary History 48.3 (July 2013): 556–577.
- "The Cultural Palace of Nationalities: Ethnicities under One Roof?" Journal of Contemporary History 47.3 (July 2012): 572–593.
- "The Politics of National Celebrations in China." In The People’s Republic of China at 60: An International Assessment, ed. by William C. Kirby, pp. 357–372. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2011.
- "The Anti-Unity Sect Campaign and Mass Mobilization in the Early People's Republic of China." The China Quarterly 202 (June 2010): 400–420.
- "The Cult of the Red Martyr: Politics of Commemoration in China.” Journal of Contemporary History 43.2 (April 2008): 279–304.
- "Oil Paintings and Politics: Weaving a Heroic Tale of the Chinese Communist Revolution.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 49.4 (October 2007): 783–814.
- "Mao’s Parades: State Spectacles in China in the 1950s.” The China Quarterly 190 (June 2007): 411–431.
- 〈空間與政治:擴建天安門廣場〉(Space and Politics: Expanding Tiananmen Square). In《兩岸分途:冷戰初期的政經發展》 (Parting Ways: Politics and Economics across the Taiwan Straits since 1949), ed. by Chen Yung-fa, pp. 207–259. Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, 2006.
- "The Red Line: Creating a Museum of the Chinese Revolution.” The China Quarterly 184 (December 2005): 914–933.
- "The Dance of Revolution: Yangge in Beijing in the Early 1950s.” The China Quarterly 181 (March 2005): 82–99.
- "Revolutionary History in Stone: The Making of a Chinese National Monument.” The China Quarterly 166 (June 2001): 457–473.
- 〈生與死的節日:中共的通俗政治文化〉(Festivals Celebrating Life and Death: The Popular Political Culture of the Chinese Communist Party). In《二十世紀的中國與世界 》(China and the World in the Twentieth Century), ed. by Chang Chi-hsiung, pp. 879–920. Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, 2001.
- "Repainting China: New Year Prints (Nianhua) and Peasant Resistance in the Early Years of the People’s Republic.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 42.4 (October 2000): 770–810.
- 〈現代藝術與政治:廖冰兄漫畫中的困局〉(Modern Art and Politics: The Predicament in Liao Bingxiong’s Cartoons). In《文藝理論與通俗文化》(Literary and Artistic Theories and Popular Culture), ed. by Peng Hsiao-yen, pp. 279–345. Taipei: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, 1999.
- "Two Images of Socialism: Woodcuts in Chinese Communist Politics.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 39.1 (January 1997): 34–60.
- "The Politics of Songs: Myths and Symbols in the Chinese Communist War Music, 1937–1949.” Modern Asian Studies 30.4 (October 1996): 901–929.
- "The Fuming Image: Cartoons and Public Opinion in Late Republican China, 1945–1949.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 36.1 (January 1994): 122–145.
- "Reeducating a Blind Storyteller: Han Qixiang and the Chinese Communist Storytelling Campaign.” Modern China 19.4 (October 1993): 395–426.
- "Paper Bullets: Fan Changjiang and New Journalism in Wartime China.” Modern China 17.4 (October 1991): 427–468.
- "New Wine in Old Bottles: The Use of Folk Literature in the War of Resistance against Japan."《漢學研究》(Chinese Studies) 8.1 (June 1990): 401–423.
- "War and Peace in Feng Zikai’s Wartime Cartoons.” Modern China 16.1 (January 1990): 39–83.
- "Female Symbols of Resistance in Chinese Wartime Spoken Drama." Modern China 15.2 (April 1989): 149–177.
(C) Review Essays / 書評論文
- “Revolutions, Catastrophes, and the Dictators,” a review of Lucien Bianco, Stalin and Mao: A Comparison of the Russian and Chinese Revolutions (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2018), in The China Review, 19.2 (February 2019): 123–146.
- 〈北京的新政治廣場〉(Beijing’s New Political Square), a review of Wu Hung, Remaking Beijing: Tiananmen Square and the Creation of a Political Space (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005), in 《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》(The Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica), Vol. 54 (December 2006): 211–221.
(D) Reviews/書評 (Over 30 book reviews published in the following journals)
- 《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》; Amerasia Journal; American Historical Review; Asian Folklore Studies; Asian Studies Review; China Information; The China Journal; The China Quarterly; The China Review; The China Review International; Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR); Journal of American Ethnic History; Journal of Asian Studies; Journal of Oriental Studies; Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences; Pacific Affairs; Peace & Change