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Dr. CHEN Jing PhD (UIUC) Assistant Professor |
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Biographical Sketch
Dr. Jing CHEN received her Ph.D. degree in East Asian Languages and Cultures from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research focuses on classical Chinese poetry and poetics, traditional Chinese literary thought, the reception of early poetry, and the study of literary anthology. She is also interested in women’s literature, print culture, as well as the application of digital tools to the studies of classical Chinese literature.
She has published several peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters on related topics in both English and Chinese. She has also served as a co-editor for a special journal issue that explores the application of digital methods to the studies of traditional Chinese literature as well as a translator for a monograph and several articles on early medieval Chinese poetry and poetics.
She is currently working on her first book project, tentatively entitled Remaking Early Poetic Culture: Publication and Reception of Ancient-Style Poetry Anthologies in Late Imperial China, which explores the practices of compiling, publishing, and reading anthologies of classical and early medieval poetry in Ming-Qing China from the 16th century to the 19th century. She is also working on two network analysis projects that explore the citation network of Chinese poetry anthologies, as well as poetry exchange network among late imperial women poets.
Academic Qualifications
- Ph. D. (2018) in East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- M. A. (2010) in Asian Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- M. A. (2009) in Classical Chinese Literature, Nanjing University
- B. A. (2006) in Chinese Language and Culture, Nanjing University
Present Position
- Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (August 2020-)
Positions Held
- August 2018-August 2020, Affiliate Fellow, Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
- August 2017-August 2018, Instructor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Specialization and Research Interests
- Classical Chinese Poetry and Poetics
- Traditional Chinese Literary Thought
- Literary Anthology
- Reception of Early Poetry
- Print Culture
- Women’s Literature in Late Imperial China
- Digital Humanities
Fellowships and Grants (Selected)
- 2017, Ronald P. Toby Award for the Best Paper in Pre-20th Century East Asian Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.
- 2016, Dissertation Completion Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- 2016, The Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Doctoral Fellowship for Dissertation Writing. (declined)
- 2015, Dissertation Travel Grant, Graduate College, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- 2017 “Reinventing the Pre-Tang Tradition: Compiling and Publishing Pre-Tang Poetry Anthologies in Sixteenth-Century China,” Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture, vol. 4, no. 1 (April 2017), pp. 91-128.
- 2016 明代「古詩」總集的編纂、出版、接受——從宏觀角度的考察 (“Compiling, Publishing, and Reading Gushi anthologies in the Ming dynasty: A Macroscopic Study”),嶺南學報 (Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies), vol. 6 (July 2016), pp. 105-133. Reprinted in中國古典文學與文本的新闡釋——海外漢學論文新集 (New Interpretation of Chinese Classical Literature and Texts: New Collection of Oversea Essays in the Field of Sinology), ed. Bian Dongbo. Hefei: Anhui jiaoyu chubanshe, 2019, pp. 411-438. (In Chinese)
- 2013 “Roads to Cold Mountain: Translations and the Construction of Images of Han Shan,” Translation Quarterly, no.70 (December 2013), pp. 41-62. [Special Issue: Traveling Texts]
Book Chapters
- 2018 “Poetry and Buddhist Enlightenment: Wang Wei and Han Shan,” in Zong-qi Cai ed., How to Read Chinese Poetry in Context: Poetic Culture from Antiquity Through the Tang. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 205-222, 2018. (Second author)
- 2014 嘉道時期阮元家族閨秀文學活動述略 (“Literary Activities of the Women Writers in the Family of Ruan Yuan (1764–1849) in the Jiaqing and Daoguang Reigns”), in第一屆清宮典籍國際研討會論文集:天祿珍藏 (Collection of Conference Papers from the First International Symposium on Qing Palace Books). Beijing: Gugong chubanshe, 2014, pp. 297-321. (Second author. In Chinese)
Edited Journal Volume
- 2018 Special issue on “Digital Methods and Traditional Chinese Literary Studies.” Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture, vol. 5, no. 2, published by Duke University Press, co-edited with Thomas J. Mazanec and Jeffrey Tharsen.
Translated Book and Articles
- 2015 漢魏晉五言詩的演變:四種詩歌模式與自我呈現, translation of The Matrix of Lyric Transformation: Poetic Modes and Self-Presentation in Early Chinese Pentasyllabic Poetry by Zong-qi Cai. Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2015.
- 2014 “以意逆志說與中國古代解釋論,” translation of “The Richness of Ambiguity: A Mencian Statement and Interpretive Theory and Practice in Premodern China” by Zong-qi Cai, 嶺南學報(Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies), vol. 1-2 (2014), pp. 146-166.
- 2013 “漢樂府的戲劇模式與敘事模式——民間與文人樂府之辨,” translation of “Dramatic and Narrative Modes of Presentation in Han Yüeh-fu” by Zong-qi Cai, in國際漢學研究趨勢(The Tendency of International Sinology), vol. 1, Taipei: Guoli donghua daxue, 2013, pp. 17-74.
- 2013 “經驗自我與詩性自我:曹植詩新論,” translation of “Experiential Self and Poetic Self: New Perspectives on the Poetry of Cao Zhi” by Zong-qi Cai, in中國詩歌傳統及文本研究(Essays on Chinese Poetic Traditions and Textual Scholarship), ed. Chen Zhi. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 2013, pp. 226-273.
- 2012 “先秦漢晉言實之論與陸機劉勰的文學創作論,” translation of “The Early Philosophical Discourse on Language and Reality and Lu Ji’s and Liu Xie’s Theories of Literary Creation”by Zong-qi Cai,中國文學研究 (Study on Chinese Literature), vol. 19. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe, 2012, pp. 10-28.