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暫任系主任 朱鴻林教授 PhD (Princeton) 中國文化講座教授 長江學者講座教授(中國古代史) 香港孔子學院理事長 |
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Biographical Sketch/簡介
Academic Qualifications/學歷
- Ph.D (1984) and M.A (1981), East Asian Studies, Princeton University, U.S.A. (美國普林斯頓大學東亞學博士、碩士)
- M.A. (1978) and B.A. (1976), Chinese Literature and History, Chu Hai College, Hong Kong. (香港珠海書院中國文史系學士,中國文學研究所碩士)
Present Positions/現任
- Chairman, Council of Confucius Institute of Hong Kong (2018.4-) 香港理工大學香港孔子學院理事長
- Chair Professor of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2009.8-) 香港理工大學中國文化講座教授
- Chang Jiang Scholars Chair Professor of Ancient Chinese History in SYSU (2013.12-) 長江學者講座教授(中山大學中國古代史)
- Member, College Council of the College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 1 July 2018 - 30 June 2020.
- Founding Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities (2011.4-) 香港人文學院創院院士
- Adjunct Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (2000-) 臺灣中央研究院歷史語言研究所兼任研究員
- Visiting Professor, Department of History, Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) University, Guangzhou, China (2000-) 廣州中山大學歷史系客座教授
- Adjunct Professor, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2009.8-) 香港中文大學歷史系兼任教授
- Senior College Tutor, United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2009.8-) 香港中文大學聯合書院資深導師
- Guest Professor, College of Economics, Zhejiang University (2009.10-) 浙江大學經濟學院客座教授
- Guest Research Fellow, Section of Ming History, Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2009.10-) 中國社會科學院歷史研究所明史研究室客座研究員
- Guest Professor, Department of History, Wenzhou University (2010.11-) 溫州大學歷史系客座教授
Positions Held/曾任
- Dean of Faculty of Humanities, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2015.10-) 香港理工大學人文學院院長
- Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Culture and Art (2013.6-2018.6), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學鄺美雲文化及藝術教授
- Honorary Director of the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong (2017.11-2018.4), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學香港孔子學院榮譽院長
- Director of the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2012.5-2017.10) 香港理工大學香港孔子學院院長
- Interim Head of Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (1-31 July, 2017) 香港理工大學中國文化學系暫任系主任
- Interim Dean of Faculty of Humanities, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2015.2-2015.10) 香港理工大學人文學院暫任院長
- Head of Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2009.8-2012.6, 2014.2-2015.1) 香港理工大學中國文化學系系主任
- Associate Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and Head of Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2009.8-2012.6) 香港理工大學人文學院副院長、中國文化學系系主任
- Visiting Scholar, Senior Lecturer, Professor, Deputy Chairman, Director of Centre for Chinese History, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (1995-2009) 香港中文大學歷史系訪問學者、高級講師、教授,副系主任,中國歷史研究中心主任
- Director, Research Centre of Confucian Studies, Research Institute for the Humanities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2004-2009) 香港中文大學人文學科研究所儒學研究中心主任
- Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (1992-1993) 美國威爾遜國際學者中心研究員
- Associate Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Concurrent Chairman of the History Section, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (1989-2000) 臺灣中央研究院歷史語言研究所副研究員、研究員,歷史學組主任
- Joint Associate Professor, Adjunct Professor, Graduate Institute of History, National Tsing-hua University, Hsin-chu City, Taiwan (1990-2000) 臺灣清華大學歷史研究所合聘教授、兼任教授
- Research Associate, Research Staff Member, Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University, New Jersey, U.S.A. (1984-1989) 美國普林斯頓大學東亞學系副研究員、研究員
- Visiting Lecturer (Part-time) , Office of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (10 June 2014 to 27 June 2014)
Academic Body Membership
- Fellow (Founding), Hong Kong Academy of Humanities
Major Fellowship and Teaching Award/主要教研獲獎
- Residential Fellowship of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (1992-1993) 美國威爾遜國際學者中心駐院研究員獎
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award of 2002 (and nominee for 2007 and 2008) 香港中文大學校長模範教學獎
- 2012-2013 Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship from the Research Grants Council of the HKSAR University Grants Committee [under the Prestigious Fellowship Scheme for Humanities and Social Sciences (HSSPFS) 2012/13; awarded a 12-month funding of HK$814,900 for the project ( number: PolyU502-HSS-12; June 2013-May 2014) “Rebuilding the textual basis for researching Ming dynasty Confucianism – the production of a critical edition of the source book Mingru xuean.” 香港特區政府大學教育資助委員會轄下研究資助局2012-2013年度「人文學及社會科學傑出學者獎」(研究項目:“重建明代儒學研究之文本基礎—《明儒學案》新點校本研纂”)
Specialization and Research Interests/專門研究領域、研究關注
- History of later imperial China with special interests in the intellectual, social and political aspects of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Neo-Confucianism and classic texts of statecraft from Song to early Qing times. 近世中國歷史,尤其明代思想、社會與政治部份;宋明理學;宋元明清經典經世著作
- Recent research focuses include imperial China’s institutions of Confucian canonization, the community compact and reproduction of social order, classical lectures in the court, character and policies of the Ming founder, Ming territorial expansion and consolidation in the provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi. 近期研究包括:孔廟從祀、鄉約與社會秩序更生、明代經筵講學、明朝鞏固兩廣統治的制度與歷史
- On-going textual study of the indispensable sourcebook of Ming thought, Huang Zongxi’s Mingru xuean, for the production of a modern edition dependable for research usage. 進行中的研究有:《明儒學案》的文本研究和新本校點整理
Research Grants and Projects (since 2000)/2000年後研究獎金和項目
- Principal Investigator of the research project “Confucian Learning Through Case-based Writings in the Xuean Format” funded by Research Committee Funding, CUHK. (June 2001-May 2003) 香港中文大學研究委員會立項“學案體裁所載以‘學案’顯示的儒學”研究計畫主持人
- Principal Investigator of the research project “Classical Learning and Its Effect in the Court of Ming Taizu” funded by Research Committee Funding, CUHK. (June 2004-May 2005). 香港中文大學研究委員會立項“洪武朝經典之學及其影響”研究計畫主持人
- Co-investigator of the research project “漢文化的傳播與演變之考察研究──以近百年來北越民俗為中心” funded by the Chiang-ching Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange and formed by six researchers from Canada, France, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. (2002-2005) 蔣經國國際學術交流基金會立項“漢文化的傳播與演變之考察研究──以近百年來北越民俗為中心”研究計畫共同主持人
- Principal Investigator of the international conference “Ming Taizu and His Times” held in CUHK, 28-30 March 2006 funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, the Geiss Foundation (USA), United College and History Department, CUHK. 蔣經國國際學術交流基金會、美國蓋杰民基金會,香港中文大學歷史系、聯合書院支付“明太祖及其時代”國際學術研討會主持人。
- Principal Investigator of the competitive earmarked research project, “Classical Lectures and Statecraft Conception in the Court of Ming China, 1368-1644,” funded by the RGC of the HKSAR government. (HK$451,452; September 2005-August 2008) 香港特區政府研究資助局立項“明代經筵講學與經世構思”研究計畫主持人
- Principal Investigator of the Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) project, “The Yao Wars and State Control over Guangdong and Guangxi in Ming China,” funded by the RGC of the HKSAR government. (HK$675,420; September 2007-August 2010) 香港特區政府研究資助局立項“明代瑤族戰爭及政府對兩廣地方控制”研究計畫主持人
- Principal Investigator of the General Research Fund (GRF) project, “The Rebuilding the Textual Basis for Research on Confucianism in Ming China – an Investigation Beginning from the Source Book MINGRU XUEAN,” funded by the RGC of the HKSAR government. (HK$ 917,056; January 2011- December 2013) 香港特區政府研究資助局優配研究金立項“從《明儒學案》整理開始的明代儒學研究上之文本重建”研究計畫主持人
Refereed Publications/經審出版著作
(1) Books/書籍
- Mote, Frederick W. and Hung-lam Chu. Calligraphy and the East Asian Book. (書法與東亞古籍) Boston and Shaftesbury: Shambhala Press, 1989.
- 朱鴻林,《明儒學案點校釋誤》(Elucidation on the punctuation and textual errors in the modern editions of the sourcebook of Ming thought and intellectual history, Huang Zongxi’s Mingru xuean)。台北﹕中央研究院歷史語言研究所,1991。
- 朱鴻林,《中國近世儒學實質的思辨與習學》(The substance and the practice of Confucian learning in late imperial China)。北京︰北京大學出版社,2005年。
- 朱鴻林,《明人著作與生平發微》(In-depth studies of the life and works of Ming personalities)。桂林﹕廣西師範大學出版社,2005年。
- 朱鴻林(編),《明太祖的治國理念及其實踐》(Ming Taizu’s statecraft ideas and their implementation)(前言、論文12篇)。香港﹕香港中文大學出版社,2010年。
- 牟復禮、朱鴻林(合著),畢斐(譯),《書法與古籍》(Calligraphy and Ancient Texts)(Frederick W. Mote and Hung-lam Chu, Calligraphy and the East Asia Book[Princeton: The Gest Library Journal Special Catalogue Issue 2.2, Spring 1988; Boston and Shaftesbury: Shambhala Press, 1989]) 中譯本)杭州:中國美術學院出版社, 2010 (三月)。
- 朱鴻林(點校),《醉經樓集》(Zuijinglou ji – the literary collection of the late Ming Confucian Tang Boyuan)(明儒唐伯元文集以及前言,集外詩文、傳記資料、著作書目、交遊文字四種附錄)。台北﹕中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2010 年。
- 朱鴻林,《〈明儒學案〉選講》(Selected lectures on Cases of Learning of Ming Confucians)。北京:生活•讀書•新知三聯書店有限公司,2012年,157頁。
- 朱鴻林,《致君與化俗:明代經筵鄉約研究文選》(Help the emperor achieve high and transform social custom: selected essays on the study of the Ming dynasty institutions of imperial court lecture and community compact)。香港:香港三聯出版社,2013年11月。(261頁)
- 朱鴻林,《朱鴻林讀黃宗羲〈明儒學案〉講稿》(Zhu Honglin’s (Chu Hung-lam) Lectures on Huang Zongxi’s Cases of Learning of Ming Confucians)。香港:香港中文大學出版社,2013年。(159頁) 【北京生活•讀書•新知三聯書店有限公司2012年出版《〈明儒學案〉選講》繁體字版。】
- 朱鴻林(點校),《醉經樓集》(增訂新版)(Zuijinglou ji – the literary collection of the late Ming Confucian Tang Boyuan [Revised edition])(明儒唐伯元文集以及前言,集外詩文、傳記資料、著作書目、交遊文字四種附錄)。北京:中華書局,2014年1月。(34+21+434頁)
- 朱鴻林,《朱鴻林明史研究系列》五種(Series of research on Ming history by Zhu Honglin [Chu Hung-lam], 5 titles)。北京:生活•讀書•新知三聯書店有限公司(2015-16年):
- 《明太祖與經筵》(Ming Taizu and classical lectures at the imperial court). (待刊)
- 《孔廟從祀與鄉約》(Confucian canonization and the community compact). Published June 2015. (9+382 pages)
- 《儒者思想與出處》(Thought and choice of life pattern of Ming Confucians ). Published June 2015. (9+465 pages)
- 《文獻與書刻研究》(Documentary studies and history of the book ) (待刊)
- 《〈明儒學案〉研究及論學雜著》(Studies on cases of learning of Ming Confucians). Published January 2016. (9+514 pages)
(2) Articles/論文
- 朱鴻林,〈錢謙益《國初群雄事略》撰作經過與成書年代推考〉(The writing and the date of Qian Qianyi’s Guochu qunxiong shilue [Biographical sketches of contenders in late Yuan early Ming times])。《明清史集刊》1(1984年),頁77-103。
- 朱鴻林,〈理論型的經世之學—真德秀《大學衍義》之用意及其著作背景〉(Theoretical mode of statecraft learning – the intention and background of the Southern Song Confucian Zhen Dexiu’s Daxue yanyi [Extended meaning of the Great Learning])。《食貨月刊》(復刊)15‧3-4(1985年),頁16-27。
- 朱鴻林,〈《熙朝名臣實錄》即《續藏書》考〉(A study of the Xichao mingchen shilu [Veritable records of eminent Ming officials] attributed to Jiao Hong and the Xu Cangshu attributed to Li Zhi being the same work)。《大陸雜誌》72‧6(1986年),頁35。
- 朱鴻林,〈試論《熙朝名臣實錄》冒襲《續藏書》緣由〉(On the reasons of the Xichao mingchen shilu being a plagiarism of the Xu Cangshu)。《大陸雜誌》73‧1(1986年),頁35-37。
- Chu, Hung-lam. “Ch‘iu Chün’s Ta-hsüeh yen-i pu and Its Influence in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.”(丘濬《大學衍義補》在十六十七世紀的影響) Ming Studies 22 (1986), pp. 1-32.
- Chu, Hung-lam. “The Colby Collection of Rare Chinese Books.”(美國科爾比大學的中國善本書藏) The Gest Library Journal 1.1 (1986), pp.7-33.
- Chu, Hung-lam. “High Ch’ing Intellectual Bias as Reflected in the Imperial Catalog.”(《四庫全書總目提要》所反映的盛情學術偏見) The Gest Library Journal 1.2 (1987), pp. 51-66.
- 朱鴻林,〈《永樂大典》纂修人考補〉(A supplement to the study of the compilers of the Yongle dadian)。《故宮學術季刊》5‧2(1987年),頁57-72。
- 朱鴻林,〈明人張翀《鶴樓集》介紹〉(An introduction to the Ming scholar-official Zhang Chong’s literary collection,Helou ji)。《大陸雜誌》75‧5(1987年),頁7-9。
- 朱鴻林,〈《明史‧張翀傳》補正〉(A supplement to the biography of the Ming scholar-official Zhang Chong)。《大陸雜誌》75‧6(1987年),頁18-21。
- 朱鴻林,〈記宋懋澄《九籥集》〉(Notes on the Ming literati Song Maocheng’s literary collection, Jiuyue ji)。《漢學研究》5‧2(1987年),頁559-565。
- Chu, Hung-lam. “The Authorship of the Story Chung Ch’ing Li-Chi.”(小說《鍾情麗集》作者考) Asia Major, Third Series 1.1 (1988), pp. 71-82.
- 朱鴻林,〈《王文成公全書》刊行與王陽明從祀爭議的意義〉(The implication of Wang Yangming’s collected works,Wang wencheng gong quanshu, in the debate of his canonization in the Confucian temple)。楊聯陞、全漢昇、劉廣京主編,《國史試釋—陶希聖先生九秩榮慶祝壽論文集》下(台北﹕食貨出版社,1988年),頁567-581。
- Chu, Hung-lam. “Intellectual Trends in the Fifteenth Century.” (十五世紀的思想趨勢)Ming Studies 27 (1989), pp. 1-33.
- 裴德生、朱鴻林,〈徐光啟、李之藻、楊廷筠成為天主教徒試釋〉(An explanation for the conversion of Xu Guangqi, Li Zhizao and Yang Tingyun to Christianity)。中國社會科學院歷史研究所明史研究室編,《明史研究論叢》5(南京﹕江蘇古籍出版社,1991年),頁477-497。
- 朱鴻林,〈明代中期地方社區治安重建理想之展現—山西河南地區所行鄉約之例〉(Mid-Ming manifestation of the ideal of community safety, the case of community compacts in Shanxi and Henan localities)。《(韓國)中國學報》32(1992年),頁87-100。
- 朱鴻林,〈略論葉春及的功業和經世政論〉(An account of the late Ming scholar-official Ye Chunji’s official career and statecraft discourses)。羅炳綿、劉健明編,《明末清初華南地區人物功業研討會論文集》(香港﹕香港中文大學歷史系,1993年),頁153-164。
- 朱鴻林,〈明儒湛若水撰帝學用書《聖學格物通》的政治背景與內容特色〉(On the political background and the characteristics of Zhan Ruoshui’s statecraft work, Shengxue gewu tong [The sages’ learning via the investigation of things])。《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》62‧3(1993年),頁495-530。
- 朱鴻林,〈鄭經的詩集和詩歌〉(The poetry collection and the poems of Zheng Jing, the son of Koxinga)。《明史研究》4(1994年),頁212-230。
- Chu, Hung-lam. “Huang Zuo‘s Meeting with Wang Yangming and the Debate Over the Unity of Knowledge and Action.”(黃佐與王陽明之會及知行合一之辨) Ming Studies 35 (1995), pp. 53-73.
- 朱鴻林,〈丘濬《朱子學的》與宋元明初朱子學的相關問題〉(Qiu Jun’s primer for Zhu Xi learning, Zhuzi xuedi [Zhu Xi’s goals of learning], and problems related to Song, Yuan and early Ming scholarship on Zhu Xi)。林天蔚編,《嶺南文化新探究論文集》(香港﹕現代教育研究社,1996年),頁63-79。
- 朱鴻林,〈《朱子學的》的流傳與評價〉(The circulation and evaluation of Qiu Jun’s primer for Zhu Xi learning,Zhuzi xuedi)。《史藪》2(1996年),頁177-198。(收入朱逸輝編《丘濬海瑞評介集》,海口海南出版社【2004年】,頁456-473。)
- 朱鴻林,〈《明儒學案》中之唐伯元文字〉(The text of Tang Boyuan’s chapter in the Mingru xuean)。《國家圖書館館刊》85年2期(1996年),頁129-142。
- 朱鴻林,〈陽明從祀典禮的爭議和挫折〉(The debate and the failure of the bid to canonize Wang Yangming)。《中國文化研究所學報》新5期(1996年),頁167-181。
- 朱鴻林,〈元儒吳澄從祀孔廟的歷程和時代意涵〉(The process and the historical implications of the Yuan Confucian Wu Cheng’s canonization in the Confucian temple)。《亞洲研究》第23期 (1997年),頁269-320。
- 朱鴻林,〈元儒熊禾的傳記問題〉(Problems on the biography of the late Song early Yuan Confucian Xiong He)。《慶祝楊向奎先生教研六十年論文集》(石家莊﹕河北教育出版社,1998年),頁344-354。
- 朱鴻林,〈元儒熊禾的學術思想及其從祀孔廟議案〉(The late Song early Yuan Confucian Xiong He’s scholarship and thought and the case of his failure to be canonized in the Confucian temple)。《史藪》第3卷(1998年),頁 173-209。
- 朱鴻林,〈明太祖的孔子崇拜〉(Ming Taizu’s Confucian worship)。《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》第70本第2分(1999年),頁483-530。
- 朱鴻林,〈讀張詡《白沙先生行狀》〉(Notes on the mid-Ming Confucian Zhang Xu’s “Chen Baisha’s conduct of career”)。《嶺南學報》新第1期(1999年),頁625-628。
- 朱鴻林,〈國家與禮儀﹕元明二代祀孔典禮的儀節變化〉(State and rituals: changes in the etiquette of sacrificial offerings held in the Confucian temple of Yuan and Ming times)。《中山大學學報.社會科學版》第39卷第5期(總166期,1999年),頁73-84。
- 朱鴻林,〈從沙堤鄉約談明代鄉約研究問題〉(A discussion of the community compact in Ming times with reference to the Shati Community Compact in Guangdong)。南開大學歷史系編,《中國社會歷史評論2000卷》(天津︰天津古籍出版社,2000年),頁25-34。
- 朱鴻林,〈明代嘉靖年間的增城沙堤鄉約〉(A study of the Shati Community Compact in Guangdong’s Zengcheng County during the Jiajing period)。《燕京學報》新8期(2000年),頁107-159。
- 朱鴻林,〈為學方案﹕學案著作的性質與意義〉(The plan for learning: the nature and significance of the “xuean”, or case of learning, genre of writing)。熊秉真編,《讓證據說話.中國編》(台北︰麥田出版社,2001年),頁287-318。
- 朱鴻林,〈文集的史料意義問題舉說﹕並論明儒陳白沙文集的文本差異問題〉(Issues in using literary collections as historical source, with an appended discussion of the textual differences in different editions of Chen Xianzhang’s literary collection)。《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》第 73本第2分(2002年),頁553-582。
- 朱鴻林,〈《明儒學案.白沙學案》的文本問題〉(Textual problems in the chapter on Chen Xianzhang in the Mingru xuean)。《燕京學報》第15期(2004年),頁157-190。
- 朱鴻林,〈丘濬《大學衍義補》及其在十六十七世紀的影響〉(Influence of Qiu Jun’s Daxue yanyi bu in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries)。朱逸輝編《丘濬海瑞評介集》(海口︰海南出版社,2004年),頁272-287。
- 朱鴻林,〈二十世紀的明清鄉約研究〉(A review of studies on Ming-Qing community compacts in the twentieth century)。《歷史人類學學刊》,第2卷第1期(2004年),頁175-196。(初稿為〈明清鄉約研究的若干反思〉(Reflections on the study of Ming-Qing community compacts),載楊松年、容世誠編,《明清研究﹕現狀的探討與方法的反思》〔香港﹕香港教育圖書公司,2006年〕,頁150-178.)
- 朱鴻林,〈明儒陳白沙對林光的出處問題之意見〉(The Ming Confucian Chen Xianzhang’s opinions on his student Li Guang’s government service)。《文集》編委會編,《顧誠先生紀念暨明清史研究文集》(鄭州﹕中州古籍出版社,2004年),頁56-79。
- 朱鴻林,〈陳白沙的出處經驗與道德思考〉(Chen Xianzhang’s engagement in public service and his moral consideration of that issue)。鍾彩鈞、楊晉龍主編,《明清文學與思想中之主體意識與社會——學術思想篇》(台北﹕中央研究院中國文哲研究所,2004年),頁11-54。
- 朱鴻林,〈明太祖的經史講論情形〉(The case of Ming Taizu’s learning and discussion of the Confucian classics and histories)《中國文化研究所學報》第45期(2005年),頁141-172。
- 朱鴻林,〈傳記、文書與宋元明思想史研究〉(Biographies, texts and the study of the intellectual history of Song, Yuan and Ming times)。《中華文史論叢》2006年第2輯(總第82輯),頁201-228。
- 朱鴻林,〈《四庫提要》所見盛清學術偏見一例〉(An example of high Qing intellectual bias revealed in the Imperial Catalog of the Four Treasuries)《中山大學學報.社會科學版》2006年第4期(總202期;2006年7月),頁48-53。
- 朱鴻林,〈黃佐與王陽明之會〉(The meeting of Huang Zuo and Wang Yangming)。《燕京學報》新21期(2006年11月),頁69-84。
- 朱鴻林,〈申時行的經筵講章〉(Shen Shixing’s lectures in the Classics-mat imperial study sessions)。〔臺灣〕國家圖書館、中央研究院歷史語言研究所、國立臺灣大學中國文學系編,《屈萬里先生百歲誕辰國際學術研討會論文集》(臺北﹕國家圖書館,2006年),頁509-533。
- 朱鴻林,〈劉基《春秋明經》的著作年代問題》(On the date of Liu Ji’s work on the Spring and Autumn Annals, the Chunqiu mingjing)。《浙江工貿職業技術學院學報》第6卷第4期(2006年12月),頁4-12.
- 朱鴻林,〈20世紀初越南北寧省的村社俗例〉(Village compacts in Vietnam’s Bac Ning Province in the early twentieth century)。《廣西民族大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》第29卷第3期(2007年5月),頁47-53。
- 朱鴻林,〈丘濬與成化元年(1465)大藤峽之役的關係〉(Qiu Jun and the Big Rattan Gorge campaign of 1465)。《中國文化研究所學報》第47期(2007年11月)頁115-134。
- Chu, Hung-lam. “Confucian ‘Case Learning’: The Genre of Xue’an Writings.” (學案類著作與儒學的為學方案)Chapter in Charlotte Furth, Judith T. Zeitlin, and Ping-chen Hsiung, eds., Thinking with Cases: Specialist Knowledge in Chinese Cultural History. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2007. Pp. 244-273.
- Chu, Hung-lam. “Textual Filiation of Li Shimian’s (1374-1450) Biography: The Part about the Palace Fire in 1421.” (李時勉傳記的史源:永樂十九年三殿之災部份) East Asian Library Journal Volume 13, Number 1 (Spring 2008), pp. 66-126.
- Chu, Hung-lam. “The Jiajing Emperor’s Interaction with His Lecturers.” (嘉靖皇帝與其經筵講官的互動)Chapter in David Robinson, ed., Culture, Courtiers, and Competition: The Ming Court (1368-1644). Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Asia Center, 2008. Pp. 186-230.
- 朱鴻林,〈儒者從祀孔廟的學術與政治問題〉(Intellectual and political problems in canonizing Confucians in the Confucian temple)。 清華大學歷史系、三聯書店編輯部合編:《清華歷史講堂續編》(北京:三聯書店,2008),頁 336-355.
- 朱鴻林,〈明神宗經筵進講書考〉(Books lectured in the Wanli Emperor’s Classics-mat lectures)。《華學》第九、十輯(上海:上海古籍出版社,2008年8月), 頁1367-1378。
- 朱鴻林,〈王陽明從祀孔廟的史料問題〉(Problems on the sources of Wang Yangming’s canonization )。《史學集刊》2008年第6期【總119期】(November 2008), 頁35-44.
- 朱鴻林,〈高拱與明穆宗的經筵講讀初探〉(A preliminary study of Gao Gong [1513-1578] and his relation to the Ming emperor Muzong’s conduct in the court lectures), in 《中國史研究》2009年第1期,pp. 131-147.
- 朱鴻林,〈洪武朝的東宮官制與教育〉(The office and the education of the heir-apparent in the Hongwu reign)。王成勉編《中華文化的傳承與創新:紀念牟復禮教授論文集》 (Chinese Culture, Past and Present: A Book in commemoration of Frederick W. Mote),Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2009, pp. 95-142.
- 朱鴻林,〈晚明思想史上的唐伯元〉(Tang Boyuan in late Ming intellectual history)。田浩(Hoyt Tillman)編《文化與歷史的追索:余英時教授八秩壽慶論文集》,台北:聯經出版事業有限公司,2010年,頁163-183。
- 朱鴻林,〈高拱經筵內外的經說異同〉(The difference of Gao Gong’s classical exegeses presented in and outside the imperial Classics-mat lectures)。曾一民編《林天蔚教授紀念文集》,台北:文史哲出版社,2009年,頁127-138。
- 朱鴻林,〈明太祖對《書經》的徵引及其政治理想和治國理念〉(Ming Taizu’s quotation of the Book of Documents and his ideals and ideas of governance)。朱鴻林編《明太祖的治國理念及其實踐》,香港:中文大學出版社,2010年,頁19-61。
- 朱鴻林,〈文獻足徵與文獻阻徵:從韓雍處置大藤峽事宜的一封奏疏說起〉(The use and abuse of written materials as historical evidence, case of a memorial by Han Yong on the aftermath of the military actions in the Datengxia area in mid Ming Guangxi). 《文獻》季刊2010年第2期, 頁62-77。
- 朱鴻林,〈項喬與廣東儒者之論學〉(Xiang Qiao’s discussion of learning with Guangdong Confucians). In 曹淩雲編《明人明事——浙南明代區域文化研究》,(北京:人民出版社,2012),頁277-313。
- 朱鴻林,〈梁啟超與《節本明儒學案》〉(Liang Qichao and his Abridged Cases of Learning of Ming Confucians).《中國文化》第35期(2012年春季),頁95-112。
- 朱鴻林,〈明隆慶間李材所述廣東西部地方亂狀〉(Local troubles in western Guangdong province during the Longqian reign of the Ming dynasty).《新亞學報》第三十卷(2012年5月),頁163-205.
- 朱鴻林,〈明太祖的教化性敕撰書〉(Books for moral indoctrination ordered writing by the Ming dynasty founder),《徐蘋芳先生紀念文集》編輯委員會編,《徐蘋芳先生紀念文集》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2012年),頁577-600。
- 朱鴻林、鄧國亮,《地方史研究的文獻問題:明代廣西土官黃【王+厷】家族“亂凡四世”說的檢討》(Textual problems in the research of local history: the case of ‘rebellion for four generations’ by the native chieftain Huang Hong’s family in Ming Guangxi),《歷史文獻研究》總第31輯(華中師範大學出版社,2012年9月),頁122-150。
- 朱鴻林,《〈明儒學案•曹端學案〉研讀》(A guided study of the chapter on Cao Duan in Huang Zongxi’s sourcebook of Ming Confucianism, the Mingru xuean),《漢學研究學刊》第三卷(Journal of Sinological Studies, No. 3)(2012年10月),頁1-34。
- 朱鴻林,《〈明儒學案•姚江學案〉的文本問題初探》(Preliminary inquiry into the textual problem of the Yaojiang School chapter in Huang Zongxi’s Mingru xuean)。張海晏、李嶽定主編,江向東編輯,《國際陽明學研究》第三卷(上海:上海古籍出版社,2013年),頁271-294。
- 朱鴻林,《<明儒學案•姚江學案>的文本問題》(Textual problem of the Yaojing School chapter in Huang Zongxi’s Mingru xuean) ,《國學研究》第三十四卷(2014.12)/ Studies in Sinology Volume 34(2014.12),頁305-361。
- 朱鴻林,《<明儒學案•崇仁學案>校讀》(Textual study the Chongren School chapter in Huang Zongxi’s Mingru xuean) ,《明史研究論叢》第十四輯(2015.11),頁197-208。
Non-refereed Publications/非經審查出版著作
(1) Edited Volume and Translation/編纂及翻譯
- 杜正勝、朱鴻林、張秀芬,《傳承與求新﹕中央研究院歷史語言研究所簡介》(Tradition and Innovation: A Guide to the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica),台北﹕中央研究院歷史語言研究所,1998年。
- Chu, Hung-lam (translator and co-editor). Tradition and Innovation: A Guide to the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica. (《傳承與求新﹕中央研究院歷史語言研究所簡介》)Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 1998.
- 朱鴻林/Chu, Hung-lam,《明太祖及其時代國際會議論文集匯編》/Proceedings of the International Conference Ming Taizu and His Times [with a Foreword]. Hong Kong: Centre for Chinese History, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- 朱鴻林/Chu, Hung-lam,《首屆中國古文獻與傳統文化國際學術研討會論文集匯編》/ Proceedings of The First International Conference on Chinese Ancient Texts and Traditional Culture [with a Foreward]/. Hong Kong: Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2010 (June). v+ 431 pages.
- 朱鴻林/Chu, Hung-lam,《第四屆中國古文獻與傳統文化國際學術研討會論文集匯編》/ Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Chinese Ancient Texts and Traditional Culture [with a Foreward]/. Hong Kong: Department of Chinese Culture and the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2013 (December). v+546 pages.
(2) Articles/論文
- Chu, Hung-lam. “The Community Compact in Late Imperial China: Notes on Its Nature, Effectiveness and Modern Relevance.” (中國近世鄉約的性質、有效性及其現代意義略論)The Woodrow Wilson Center Asia Program Occasional Paper 52 (1993), pp. 1-11.
- 朱鴻林,〈王韶生先生之文學見解〉(The late Professor Wang Shaosheng’s views on Chinese literature)。《新亞論叢》第1期(1999年),頁19-32。
- 朱鴻林,〈明代思想史研究的空間與進路〉(Rooms and approaches for the study of Ming intellectual history) (2007年3月30日中國社會科學院歷史研究所思想史研究室演講)中國社會科學院網上版。提要﹕http://ich/cass/cn/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=652);全文﹕http://ich.cas.cn/News_Show.asp?NewsID=787 (發表日期﹕2007年5月15日)
- 朱鴻林,〈呂坤的志業和思想特質〉(Lu Kun’s aspirations and career and the characteristics of his thought) (2007年4月1日河南省寧陵縣呂坤學會等召開《葛天文化與呂坤思想學術研討會》論文網上版。中華呂坤網﹕http://www.cnlvkun.com/view.asp?id=229。(發表日期﹕2007年7月1日)
- 朱鴻林,《徐光啟的理學觀念》(Neo-Confucian ideas of Xu Guangqi)。復旦大學文史研究院、中華書局編輯部編, 《鼎和五味》 (北京:中華書局, 2010 (六月), 頁1-24。
- Chu, Hung-lam. 2016. “Confucianism”. Entry in John Mackenzie, ed., The Encyclopedia of Empire Volume 1. Wiley-Blackwell, February 15, 2016. Pp 614 - 620. Online ISBN: 9781118455074
- 朱鴻林,《一道德,同風俗》。《讀書》2016年第10期,頁48-57。
- 朱鴻林,《袁黃寶坻宦績的啟示》(What can be seen and learned from Yuan Huang’s governance in Baodi)in《嘉善史志》(Jiashanshizhi), 3rd Issue of 2016 (2016年第3期,總第17期),頁188-194.
(3) Reviews/書評
- Chu, Hung-lam. “Review of Action in Late Ming Thought: The Re-orientation of Lu K’un and Other Scholar-Officials by Joanna F. Handlin.” (J.F. Handlin著《晚明思想上之行動:呂坤及其他士大夫的學術轉向》) Journal of Oriental Studies 22.1 (1984), pp. 66-68.
- 朱鴻林,〈評懷效鋒著《四朝政治風雲》〉(Huai Xiaofeng’s Politics in the Zhengde, Jiajing, Longqing and Wanli Reigns)。《新史學》1‧2(1990年),頁145-154。
- Chu, Hung-lam. “Review of Waiting for the Dawn: A Plan for the Prince: Huang Tsung-hsi’s Ming-i tai-fang lu by Wm Theodore de Bary.” (W.T. de Bary著《黃宗羲〈明夷待訪錄〉研究》) The Journal of Asian Studies 53.2 (1994), pp. 533-534.
- Chu, Hung-lam. “Review of The Chosen One: Succession and Adoption in the Court of Ming Shizong by Carney T. Fisher.” (C.T. Fisher著《明世宗朝的繼統與繼嗣爭議【大禮議】》) Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 54.1 (1994), pp. 266-277.
- Chu, Hung-lam. "Review of A Ming Society: T'ai-ho County, Kiangsi, in the Fourteenth to Seventeenth Centuries by John W. Dardess." (J.W. Dardess著《十四至十七世紀江西泰和的社會史》) China Review International 5.2 (1998), pp.401-405.
- Chu, Hung-lam. “Review of Exorcism and Money: The Symbolic World of the Five-Fury Spirits in Late Imperial China by Qitao Guo.” (Q. Guo著《驅邪與金錢:中國近世五猖神的象徵世界》) The China Review 4.2 (Fall 2004), pp. 193-195.
- Chu, Hung-lam. “Review of Doing Good and Ridding Evil in Ming China: The Political Career of Wang Yangming by George L. Israel.”( George L. Israel著《為善去惡於明代:王陽明的政治事業》) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 79.2 (June 2016), pp 460-462.
(4) Others/其他
- 朱鴻林,〈劉子健教授追悼會發言錄〉,宋史座談會編《宋史座談會成立三十周年學術研討會論文集》(台北:宋史座談會,1994年),頁18-19。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》(The poems of Liangfu) 詩六首。《聯合校刊》第52期(1995-1996年),頁98-99。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》(The poems of Liangfu)詩三首。《新亞生活》25﹕9期(1998年),頁6。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》(The poems of Liangfu)詩十三首。《聯合校刊》第54期(1999年),頁90-91。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》(The poems of Liangfu)詩五首。《聯合校刊》第58期(2003年),頁108。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》(The poems of Liangfu)詩十首。《聯合校刊》第59期(2004年),頁98-99。
- 朱鴻林,〈決疑與道德困境導言〉(Introductory notes to Albert R. Jonsen and Stephen Toulmin’s The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning)。熊秉真編,《讓證據說話.對話篇》(台北﹕麥田出版社,2001年),頁277-279。
- 朱鴻林,〈序〉,《中國百家姓》(Preface to The Hundred Chinese Family Names)。香港黃巴士出版有限公司(2002年)。
- 朱鴻林,〈序言〉。楊秀珠編,《老師談教學﹕歷史教學編》(Preface to Teachers on Teaching: Volume on Teaching of History)(香港︰中華書局,2003年),頁7-10。
- 朱鴻林,《追思牟復禮先生》(Reminiscences of Frederick W. Mote )。《當代》第212期(2005年),頁90-107;王成勉編,《薪火西傳﹕牟復禮與漢學研究》(臺北﹕黎明文化,2007年),頁15-50。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》(The poems of Liangfu)十二首。《聯合校刊》第61期(2005年),頁99-100。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》(The poems of Liangfu)詩十五首。《聯合校刊》第62期(2005-2006年),頁 99-100。
- 朱鴻林,〈往事正堪回首〉 (Reminiscing the times at Chu Hai College)。《珠海學院六十周年校慶特刊》頁72-74。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》(The poems of Liangfu)詩三首。《聯合校刊》第63期(2006-2007年), 頁113。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》(The poems of Liangfu)詩八首。《聯合校刊》第64期(2008年), 頁113。
- 朱鴻林,《南鄉子·訪嶽麓書院》(A lyrical poem on visiting the Yuelu Academy in Changsha)。《湖南大學報》,2009年5月11日。
- 朱鴻林,〈導言〉。朱鴻林編《明太祖的治國理念及其實踐》(香港:中文大學出版社,2010年),頁v-xxi。
- 朱鴻林,《前言》(Introduction),朱鴻林編《首屆中國古文獻與傳統文化國際學術研討會論文集匯編》(香港:香港理工大學中國文化學系,2010年6月),頁Pages i-v。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》(The poems of Liangfu)詩詞四首。《聯合校刊》第66期(2009/10 [2010]年), 頁136。
- 朱鴻林,詩十三首、詞四首,in 陳永正主編,《餘事集——中華當代教授詩詞選》(廣州:中山大學出版社,2011年),頁286-291。
- 朱鴻林【主持、主編】、梁元生、張學明、黎明釗編纂,《初中中國歷史—課程設計和專題教學示例 (歷史與文化課程模式)》(Junior high school Chinese history: curricular design and topical teaching demonstration [for the Proposed History and Culture Curriculum Framework for Education Bureau, HKSAR Government, adopting a Combined History Approach in Organizing Chinese History Elements]),347頁。香港:香港特區政府教育局課程發展處,2012 年。
- 朱鴻林【主持、主編】、梁元生、張學明、黎明釗編纂,《初中中國歷史—課程設計和專題教學示例” (綜合課程模式)》(Junior high school Chinese history: curricular design and topical teaching demonstration [for the Proposed Integrated Humanities Curriculum Framework for Education Bureau, HKSAR Government, adopting a Thematic Approach in Organizing Chinese History Elements]),548頁。香港:香港特區政府教育局課程發展處,2012年 。
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》詩十二首,《聯合校刊》/United Bulletin 2010/11,第六十七期 (Hong Kong: United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012 [July]), 頁148。
- 朱鴻林,《文化保育的基本》,《聯合校刊2014/15》第七十一卷(2016.08)/United Bulletin Volume 71(2016.08),頁140-142。
- 朱鴻林,《<雲箋絮語>序》(a preface to the book Yunjian xuyu by Zhang Fangsong, a collection of letters and notes on literature)。《甌雅》丙申增刊(Ouya, Supplementary Issue, December 2016)(ISSN:1673-6443; CN:33-1363/D)。
- Chu Hung-lam, “Prof. Chu Hung-lam on the Deeper Meaning of Service-Learning,” electronic Faculty of Humanities Newsletter 2016, Issue No. 2, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 11 January 2017.
- 朱鴻林,《亮父詩稿》。香港:珠海學院,2018年8月。232頁。
Conference Presentations/學術會議報告
- “The Ideal and Application of Community Rites as an Administrative Aid to Social Regulation in Mid-Ming China.” (明代中葉鄉禮作為佐治工具及社會規則的理想與應用)Conference on “Learning the Rule: Schooling, Law and the Reproduction of Social Order in Early Modern Eurasia, 1350-1750,” 10-11 May 1991, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
- 〈明清鄉約研究的若干反思〉(Reflections on Studies of Community Compacts of Ming-Qing Times).” International Symposium on Ming-Qing Studies: Examinations of Current Progress and Reflections on Methodology/《明清研究﹕現狀的探討與方法的反思國際學術研討會》, Centre for Research in Chinese Studies, Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore, July 27–29, 2000.
- 〈陳白沙的出處經驗與道德思考〉(Chen Xianzhang’s experience in government service and his moral considerations). International conference on Self and Society in Ming-Qing Literature and Thought/《明清文學與思想中的主體意識與社會國際學術會議》, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy of the Academia Sinica, Taipei, October 22-24, 2002.
- 〈傳記、文書與宋元明思想史研究〉(Biography, texts, and the study of Song-Yuan-Ming intellectual history). Conference Chinese Historiography in the New Century: Challenges and Responses/《新世紀的中國歷史學——挑戰與思考學術研討會》, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 18-21, 2002.
- 〈陳白沙對林光的出處問題之意見〉(Chen Xianzhang’s opinions on Lin Guang’s career as a civil official). International Conference on Intellectual History of the Ming-Qing Period/《明清學術國際研討會》, University of Hong Kong, December 21-23, 2002.
- “The Jiajing Emperor’s Interaction with His Lecturers.” (明世宗及其經筵講官之互動) Conference on “Ming Court Culture,” East Asian Program, Princeton University, June 12-13, 2003.
- 〈20世紀初越南北寧省的村社俗例〉(Village compacts in early 20th-century Bac Ning Province, Vietnam). International conference on East Asian Folklore/《東亞民俗與漢文化國際學術研討會》, Center of Humanities and Department of Chinese, National Chung-cheng University, Taiwan, November 1-2, 2003.
- 〈明太祖經史講論情形初探〉(A preliminary inquiry into Ming Taizu’s classical colloquia ). 10th International Symposium on the Chinese Ming Dynasty History /《第十屆明史國際討論會》, Nanjing, August 21-26, 2004.
- 〈略論明太祖的教化性敕撰書〉(On the books for moral indoctrination written by the order of Ming Taizu). International Conference on Chinese History in Multi-Perspectives/《多元視野中的中國歷史——第二屆中國史學國際會議》, Tsinghua University, Beijing, August 22-24, 2004.
- “Communal Regulations for Marriage Rites in Colonial Northern Vietnam.” (法屬時代北越地方的婚禮俗例) 18th IAHA Conference, Academia Sinica, Taipei, December 6-10, 2004.
- 〈黃佐與王陽明之會〉(The meetings of Huang Zuo and Wang Yangming). 11th International Conference on Ming History/《第十一屆明史國際討論會》, Lanzhou, August 16-18, 2005.
- “Textual Filiation of Li Shimian’s Biography (1): the Part about the Palace Fire in 1421.” (李時勉傳記的史源:永樂十九年三殿之災部份) Frederick W. Mote Memorial Conference, Princeton University, October 7-8, 2005.
- 〈明太祖對〈書經〉的徵引及其政治理想和治國理念〉(Ming Taizu’s political ideals and ideas of government as seen from his quotations of the Book of Documents). International Conference on Ming Taizu and His Times/《明太祖及其時代國際學術會議》. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, March 28-30, 2006.
- 〈申時行的經筵講章〉(The classical lectures Shen Shixing delivered at the court). Conference in Commemoration of the Centennial Birthday of the Late Professor Qu Wanli /《屈萬里先生百歲冥誕學術研討會》, Department of Chinese Literature and Language, National University of Taiwan; Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica; and the National Library, Taipei, September 15-16, 2006.
- 〈唐伯元對王陽明從祀孔廟決案的駁議〉(Tang Boyuan’s protest against the canonization of Wang Yangming in 1584). International Conference Commemorating the Centennial Bbirthday of the Late Professor Lo Hsiang-lin/《羅香林教授百年誕辰國際學術探討會》, Department of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, and other institutions, Hong Kong, November 4-5, 2006.
- 〈洪武朝的東宮官制與教育〉 (The office and the education of the heir-apparent in the Hongwu reign, 1368-1398). International Conference on Chinese Culture, Past and Present in commemoration of Frederick W, Mote /《中國文化研究的傳承與創新——紀念牟復禮教授國際學術研討會》, National Central University, Taiwan, November 19-21, 2006.
- 〈劉基《春秋明經》的著作年代問題〉(The date of the fourteenth-century statesman Liu Ji’s Chunqiu mingjing – a commentary on the classic Spring and Autumn Annals). International conference on the Cultural Achievements of Liu Ji/《國際劉基文化學術研討會》. Academy of Social Sciences, Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou City, December 8-10, 2006.
- 〈明神宗經筵進講書考〉(Books lectured to the Ming Wanli Emperor). International Conference in Celebration of Professor Jao Tsung-i’s Ninetieth Birthday/《學藝兼修.漢學大師──饒宗頤教授九十華誕國際學術研討會》, The University of Hong Kong and other institutions, December 14-15, 2006.
- 〈丘濬與成化元年(1465)藤峽之役的關係〉(Qiu Jun and the 1465 campaign at the Big Rattan Gorge). International Conference on the Cultural and Social Changes in China’s Southwestern Region/《中國西南地區文化與社會變遷國際學術研討會》, Guilin, January 27-29, 2007.
- 〈呂坤的志業和思想特質〉(Characteristics of Lu Kun’s (1536-1618) career and thought). Conference on the Getian Culture in Central China and the Thought of Lu Kun/《葛天文化與呂坤思想學術研討會》, Ningling County, Henan Province, China, April 1, 2007.
- “Xu Guangqi, the Classics Student and Imperial Lecturer.” (作為經生及講官的徐光啟) International Conference on “Xu Guangqi: An Eminent Chinese Scholar, Modern Scientist, and Humanist from the Late Ming Dynasty.” CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai, 14-19 October 2007.
- 《晚明思想史上的唐伯元》(Tang Boyuan [1541-98] in the history of late Ming thought). Second Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong/《第二屆兩岸三地人文社會科學論壇》—Shifts of Paradigms: Interaction and Integration of Disciplines/「典範移轉—學科的互動與整合」》. National Central University [中央大學], Zhongli, Taiwan, 17-18 November 2007.
- 《〈宋史〉所見瑤人與瑤事試釋》(The Yao people and their activities as seen in the official History of the Song Dynasty). International Conference on “Chinese National Minorities in the Rising National Economy/《經濟騰飛下的中國少數民族》), Chu Hai College, Hong Kong, 13 December 2007.
- 《高拱與明穆宗的經筵講讀初探》(Gao Gong and the Classics lectures for the Ming Emperor Muzong). International Conference on Ming History and Gao Gong/《明史暨高拱國際學術研討會》), Xinzheng City, Henan Province, 1-5 August 2009.
- 《一份初中中國歷史課程中的世界史成分擬議》(World history elements in a proposed syllabus for a junior middle school Chinese history course). Conference on《世界通史教材編寫研討會》, Capital Normal University [首都師範大學] , Beijing, 29-30 November 2008, Beijing.
- 《文獻足徵與文獻阻徵:從韓雍處置大藤峽事宜的一封奏疏說起》(Problems in using edited documents as source for historical inquiry, a discussion on a memorial by Han Yong about the aftermath of military campaigns in Ming Guangxi). International conference “中國古典文獻學研究國際學術研討會” organized and hosted by the National Library of China, Beijing, 14-15 November 2009.
- 《地方史研究的文獻問題:明代土官黃
家族”亂凡四世“說的檢討》 (Textual problems in regional and local history research: The case of the so-called “making trouble for four generations” by the family of the Ming-dynasty Guangxi native chieftain Huang Hong”). “First International Conference on Chinese Ancient Texts and Traditional Culture/首屆中國古文獻與傳統文化國際學術研討會” organized and hosted by the Department of Chinese Culture of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 16-18 June 2010. (Proceedings, pp. 68-90.
- 《項喬與廣東儒者之論學》(Xiang Qiao’s discussion of learning with Guangdong Confucians) . “首屆溫州龍灣明代文化研討會” organized by the Government of Longwan District of Wenzhou City, November 22-23, 2010. (Proceedings, pp. 222-234.)
- “Competing Ideas and Practice to Perfect Ones’ Person and Mind in Late Ming China,” (晚明競見之身心修養論說及實踐) International Colloquium on "The World of Matteo Ricci," Department of History, Penn State University, 15 January 2011.
- 《梁啟超與〈節本明儒學案〉》(Liang Qichao and his Abridged Mingru xuean)“明史認識與中國近代歷史走向國際學術研討會”,Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 11-12 April 2011.
- “The First Principle of Statecraft at Good Times,” (經世治國之第一要義) International Workshop on “Statecraft and the Chinese Origins of Political Economy” , jointly organized by the University of British Columbia and the College de France, Paris, May 30-June1, 2011.
- “Reading the Great Learning to the Ming Emperors,” (明代帝王經筵上之《大學》進講) International Symposium on “Reading Matters: Chinese and Western Traditions of Interpreting the Classics, ” International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden, The Netherlands, 10-11 June 2011.
- 《梁啟超與《明儒學案〉》(Liang Qichao and Mingru xuean, the source book of Ming Confucian learning),中國近現代經典著作之形成與詮釋國際學術研討會/International symposium on the formation and elucidation of classic works in modern China, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 16 June 2012.
- 《〈明儒學案•姚江學案〉的文本問題初探(一)》(Preliminary study of the textual problem of the Yaojiang chapter in the source book Mingru xuean and the research of Ming intellectual history, Part 1),《第三屆中國古文獻與傳統文化國際研討會》/ Third international conference on ancient Chinese text and traditional culture, Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 21 October, 2012.《〈明儒學案•姚江學案〉的文本問題初探(二)》(Preliminary study of the textual problem of the Yaojiang chapter in the source book Mingru xuean and the research of Ming intellectual history, Part 2),《第二屆國際陽明學研討會》/ Second international conference on scholarship on Wang Yangming, Yuyao City, Zhejiang, 1 November 2012.
- “Reading the Great Learning to the Ming Emperors” (another version of an earlier conference paper bearing the same title) , International conference on “Reading, Textual Production, and Literati Culture in Late Imperial China” held at Penn State University, USA, May 31 – June 1, 2013.
- 《〈明儒學案•崇仁學案〉校讀》(Textual collation and reading of the chapters on the Chongren school in the source book Mingru xuean), 4th International Conference on Chinese Ancient Texts and Traditional Culture / 第四屆中國古文獻與傳統文化國際學術研討會held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 13-15 December 2013.
- 《<明儒學案·王龍溪學案>校讀》(Textual collation and reading of the chapter on Wang Ji in the source book Mingru xuean), 5th International Conference on Chinese Ancient Texts and Traditional Culture / 第五屆中國古文獻與傳統文化國際學術研討會held at Hangzhou Guoxue Hui, Hangzhou, China, 27-28 October, 2014年10月27-28日杭州國學會.
- “The First Principle of Statecraft in the Daxue yanyi bu,” International conference on “Statecraft Articulations in Late Imperial China” held in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, June 16-18, 2015.
- 《讀王陽明論及宋儒文字筆記(一) :北宋周邵張程》(Notes on Wang Yangming’s views and comments on the Northern Song founders of Neo-Confucianism),Conference on Ming-Qing intellectual history from the perspectives of texts and institutions/文獻與制度視野下的明清思想史研究術研討會held at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 21-23 August 2015.
- 《<明儒學案·粵閩王門學案>校讀》(Textual collation and reading of the chapter on Guangdong and Fujian Confucians in in the source book Mingru xuean), 6th International Conference on Chinese Ancient Texts and Traditional Culture / 第六屆中國古文獻與傳統文化國際學術研討會held at Shaanxi Normal University (陝西師範大學), Xian, China, 17-18 October 2015.
- 《<明儒學案>與明代儒學研究之文本重建》(Mingru xuean and textual rebuilding for research of Ming intellectual history), 1st International Conference on Ming-Qing History and Culture / 第一届明清歷史文化研討會,Confucius Institute of Hong Kong (香港孔子學院), Hong Kong, 25-26 November 2015.
- 《袁黃寶坻宦績的啟示》, 2016年首屆袁了凡思想文化國際論壇, Tianjin, China, 6-9 May 2016.
- “Ancestor Portraits and Spirit Tablets in Ritual Veneration,” International Symposium on Visualizing China’s Imperial Order in Eurasia (1500-1800). Museums and Collections Services, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 21 July 2016.
- 《鄉約的多樣性及其理想與實際考慮》(Varieties and practical considerations of the community compact).《第七屆中國古文獻與傳統文化國際學術研討會》論文, 2016年10月14-15日香港理工大學.
- 《明儒對宋儒“氣質之性”說的論難》(Ming Confucians’ criticism of the Song theory of material qi-endowed human nature), paper for朱子學會、廈門大學國學院聯合主辦“朱子學的當代傳承”學術研討會論文稿,Xiamen, 3-4 December 2016.
- 《帝舜何以能成大孝》 (Why Emperor Shun could be a great filial son), paper for 國際舜文化學術研討會,28 February - 2 March 2018, Jinjiang, Quanzhou, China.
Invited lectures/應邀講座
- 〈明人文集與明史研究〉(Research on Ming Literary Collections and the Study of Ming History). Department of History, Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) University, Guangzhou, May 2, 2003.
- 〈近世思想文化史研究的一些反思〉(Reflections on the Study of Late Imperial Chinese Intellectual History)。 9th Zhongshan University Series of Historical Anthropology Lectures, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, May 3, 2003.
- 〈明代思想史上的經世之學思潮〉(The statecraft learning tradition in Ming thought). Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, December 10, 2003.
- 〈二十世紀的明清鄉約研究〉(20-century study of Ming-Qing community compacts). Peking University Press, December 17, 2003.
- 〈《大學衍義補》與明代的經世之學〉(Daxueyanyibu and Statecraft Learning in Ming Times). Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, April 2, 2004.
- 〈陳白沙的出處思慮〉 (The Ming Confucian Chen Baisha’s considerations about government service). Center for Historical Anthropology, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, July 11, 2004.
- 〈王陽明在兩廣的最後日子〉 (The last days of Wang Yangming in Guangdong and Guangxi). Department of History, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, March 25, 2005.
- 〈追思牟復禮先生〉(Reminiscences of Frederick W. Mote [1922-2005]). Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, March 5, 2005.
- 〈《四庫提要》所見盛清學術偏見一例〉(An example of high Qing intellectual bias from the critical abstracts of the Imperial Catalog of the Four Treasuries). Department of History, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, December 27, 2005.
- 〈王陽明從祀孔廟的餘波〉(The repercussions of Wang Yangming’s canonization in 1584). Department of History, CUHK, December 13, 2006.
- 〈明太祖與社區教化〉(Ming Taizu and community education). 22nd 歷史講堂lecture, Sanlian shudian (Joint Publishers), Hong Kong, March 3, 2007.
- 〈王陽明從祀孔廟的問題〉 (The problem of Wang Yangming’s canonization). Center of Chinese Social History, Nankai University, Tianjin, March 27, 2007.
- 〈儒者從祀孔廟的學術與政治問題〉(Scholarly and political problems related to Confucian canonization). Wang Guowei lecture (王國維講座), Tsinghua University, Beijing, March 28, 2007.
- 〈明代思想史研究的空間與進路 (Rooms and approaches for the study of Ming-dynasty intellectual history). Section of History of Thought, Institute of History, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, March 30, 2007.
- 〈王陽明從祀孔廟的史料問題〉(Source materials for studying the canonization of Wang Yangming). Institute of History, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, April 3, 2007.
- 〈劉基《春秋明經》的著作年代及其意義〉 (The date of Liu Ji’s Chunqiu mingjing and its significance). Department of Chinese Linguistics and Literature, Yuan Ze University (元智大學), Taoyuan, Taiwan, April 18, 2007.
- 〈明太祖與社區禮教〉(Ming Taizu and community rites). Department of History, Zhongshan University (Zhuhai campus), May 23, 2007.
- 〈朱熹與武夷山〉 (Zhu Xi and Wuyishan). Wuyi Shuyuan/武夷書院), Wuyishan City, Fujian, June 11, 2007.
- 〈徐光啟的理學觀念〉 (Neo-Confucian notions of Xu Quangqi). 復旦文史講堂Lecture at National Institute for Advanced Humanities Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, 17 October 2007.
- 〈唐伯元(1541-98)的文集及其整理〉 (The literary collection of Tang Boyuan [1541-98] and its editing). Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 16 November 2007.
- 〈唐伯元(1541-98)的著作與交遊〉(Tang Boyuan’s [1541-98] works and circles of acquaintances). 國際漢學Lecture, Center for Humanity Studies, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 19 November 2007.
- 〈唐伯元及其《醉經樓集》〉(Tang Boyuan and his literary collection Zuijinglou ji). Centre of History and Anthropology, Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) University, Guangzhou, 12 January 2008.
- 〈《明儒學案》〉中的曹端》(Cao Duan in the Cases of Learning of Ming Confucians). Center of Asian Studies, Chu Hai College, 2 May 2008.
- 〈唐伯元與晚明思想史〉(Tang Boyuan [1541-98] and the history of late Ming thought). Ming History Section of the Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 28 May 2008.
- 〈《明儒學案.發凡.序》〉 (On the Guideline and Prefaces of the Mingru xuean, the sourcebook of the learning of Ming Confucians), in 中國文化論壇、汕頭大學主辦『第二屆文化素質通識教育核心課程講席班』, Shantou, 30 June 2008.
- 〈《明儒學案.曹端學案》〉 (On the Case of Cao Duan in the Mingru xuean, the sourcebook of the learning of Ming Confucians), in 中國文化論壇、汕頭大學主辦『第二屆文化素質通識教育核心課程講席班』, Shantou, 1 July 2008.
- 〈永樂十九年三殿之災與祭酒李時勉下獄之故考〉(The 1421 palace fire in Beijing and its relationship with the imprisonment of National University Chancellor Li Shimian). School of History, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 29 November 2008.
- 〈詮釋、聽眾與讀者:明代帝王的經筵講讀問題〉(Audience, readers and interpretational problems in the classical lectures of the imperial court of the Ming dynasty). Graduate Institute of History, National Central University, Chung-li City, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 4 December 2008.
- 〈新高中歷史教學與史料運用〉(Use of historical sources and the teaching of the new curriculum of high school history). 現代教育研究社/ Modern Educational Research Society, Kong Kong, 28 February 2009.
- 〈中國歷史元素在初中歷史與文化科 (連結兩史模式) 的編排及教學資源示例的介紹——設計理念與編排特色〉(Elements of Chinese History in the “Combined History Approach” to teaching the junior high school curriculum of History and Culture: concept in design and characteristics in presenting the syllabus), The Chinese University of Hong Kong [organized by the Education Bureau of HKSAR], 2 March 2009.
- 〈中國歷史元素在初中綜合人文科 (主題模式) 的編排及教學資源示例的介紹——設計理念與編排特色〉(Elements of Chinese History in the “Thematic Approach” to teaching the junior high school curriculum of Integrated Humanities: concept in design and characteristics in presenting the syllabus), The Chinese University of Hong Kong [organized by the Education Bureau of HKSAR], 2 March 2009.
- 〈中國歷史元素在初中歷史與文化科 (連結兩史模式) 的編排及教學資源示例的介紹——設計理念與編排特色〉(Elements of Chinese History in the “Combined History Approach” to teaching the junior high school curriculum of History and Culture: concept in design and characteristics in presenting the syllabus), The Chinese University of Hong Kong [organized by the Education Bureau of HKSAR], 16 March 2009.
- 〈中國歷史元素在初中綜合人文科 (主題模式) 的編排及教學資源示例的介紹——設計理念與編排特色〉(Elements of Chinese History in the “Thematic Approach” to teaching the junior high school curriculum of Integrated Humanities: concept in design and characteristics in presenting the syllabus), The Chinese University of Hong Kong [organized by the Education Bureau of HKSAR], 16 March 2009.
- 〈中國歷史元素在初中綜合人文科 (主題模式)資源應用于個案討論——歷史回顧與問題省思〉(Elements of Chinese History in the “Thematic Approach” to teaching the junior high school curriculum of Integrated Humanities: review and reflection on selected topics of presentation),The Chinese University of Hong Kong [organized by the Education Bureau of HKSAR], 22 April 2009.
- 〈中國歷史元素在初中歷史與文化科 (連結兩史模式) 資源應用于個案討論——兩宋文人政治之士大夫政治與理學〉(Elements of Chinese History in the “Combined History Approach” to teaching the junior high school course of History and Culture: review and reflection on selected topics of presentation),The Chinese University of Hong Kong [organized by the Education Bureau of HKSAR], 22 April 2009
- 〈念茲在茲,學之行之:香港的中國文化學習與應用〉(Learning of Chinese culture and its application in Hong Kong), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 26 September 2009.
- 〈明代帝王經筵講學問題及其思想史意義〉(Problems in the classical lectures to the Ming emperors and their relevance to the intellectual history of Ming China), at the Section of History of Thought, Institute of History, CASS. 13 October 2009.
- 〈唐伯元《醉經樓集》的整理與反思〉(Reflections on the editing of Tang Boyuan’s literary collection, Zuijinglou ji), at the School of Chinese Ancient Texts and Traditional Culture, Beijing Normal University/北京師範大學古籍與傳統文化研究院. 13 October 2009.
- Four lectures on the topic〈《四書》與文化中國人才〉(The Four Books and talents of cultural China) for the “文化中國人才計畫” at Zhejiang University , hosted by the Center for Confucian Entrepreneurship and East Asian Civilizations. 27-29 November 2009.
- 〈《明儒學案》所見的古人編撰之法〉 (The way of anthology compilation as seen in the case of the Mingru xuean [Sourcebook of Ming Confucian thought]), at the Department of History, CUHK. 26 November 2010.
- 〈香港的中國文化學習問題〉(Problems of learning Chinese culture in Hong Kong), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 5 January 2011.
- 〈陳白沙思想言行對青年可有的啓發〉(The enlightenment to youths of Chen Xianzhang’thought and deeds), to The San Wui Commercial Society of Hong Kong, November 16, 2011.
- 〈《明儒學案》的文獻學上問題〉(Textual problems of the Mingru xuean), at the Department of History, SYSU, Guangzhou, December 26, 2011.
- Four seminars on the 《論語》(The Confucian Analects)for the “晨興文化中國人才計畫” program at Zhejiang University , hosted by the Center for Confucian Entrepreneurship and East Asian Civilizations. 5-6 May 2012.
- 〈《明儒學案》的文獻學上問題〉(Textual problems of the Mingru xuean), at Wenzhou University, Wenzhou City, 7 May 2012.
- 〈國際視野下溫州龍灣明代文化現象〉(Cultural features in Ming dynasty Longwan of Wenzhou from an international perspective) , to the Office of Local History and Gazetteers and the Historical Association of the Longwan District of Wenzhou City, 8 May 2012.
- 《〈明儒學案•姚江學案〉的文本與明代思想史研究》(The text of the Yaojiang chapter in the source book Mingru xuean and the research of Ming intellectual history), to the Center for Comparative and Public History, Department of History, CUHK, 9 November 2012.
- 《明代儒學史研究的文本基礎與〈明儒學案〉之整理》(Textual foundation for research on history of Ming-dynasty Confucianism and textual studies on the Mingru xuean), at北京大學國際漢學家研修基地 as國際漢學家系列講座第64講/Lecture number 64 of the International Sinologist Lecture Series, 19 December 2012.
- 《宗族家庭家教與傳統鄉村社區》(Clan, family, familial education and the traditional rural community), at the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 18 January 2013.
- A study tour, titled《香港宗祠與宗族社會》(Ancestral halls and lineage society in Hong Kong), to the Tang-clan ancestral halls in Pingshan, Xiacun and Longyuetuo in the NT of HK, for the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, 26 January 2013.
- 《孔廟從祀禮制的文化意義》(Confucian canonization and its cultural relevance), a lecture of the Public Academic Lecture Series 2012/2013 by Distinguished Asian Scholars Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Chinese Studies of the University of Malaya, at Faculty of Arts, University of Malaya, 8 March 2013.
- 《中國近世儒學實質觀》(Views on the substance of Confucian learning in late imperial China), a lecture of the Public Academic Lecture Series 2012/2013 by Distinguished Asian Scholars Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Chinese Studies of the University of Malaya, in collaboration with SGM, at Wisma Kebudayaan SGM, 9 March 2013.
- “Chinese Culture – Continuity and Innovation,” a Plenary Speech for the 10th Anniversary Dragon 100 Chinese Youth Leaders Forum, hosted by The Dragon Foundation, Hong Kong, 10 August 2013.
- 《公共建築與價值觀念》(Public buildings and values), at the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 20 May 2013.
- 《帝制中國的鄉村社區管理》(Rural community management in imperial China), at the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 11 October, 2013.
- 《帝制中國的終極名人堂:孔廟祭祀的文化意義》(The ultimate hall of fame in imperial China: Cultural significance of the Confucian temple), at the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 8 November, 2013.
- 《怎樣才是一堂好的歷史課》(How can a history lesson be well taught in the classroom), for the forum「如何上好一堂中史課?—提升教與學策略研討會」, organized by(香港)現代教育研究社, at 香港生產力大樓,29 March, 2014.
- Three “Reading and Textual Production in Late Imperial China” seminars for the Penn State University Summer Institute, 2-7 June 2014, on writings (1) that were intended to educate and guide the emperor’s rulership, (2) that showed classical and contemporary views in statecraft and government institutions and policies, and (3) that shown how classical and philosophical questions in the civil service examinations were analyzed and answered. (The seminars were conducted for 15 assistant professors, postdoctoral fellows and PhD candidates from 8 universities in the US and I in France.)
- 《娛老以惠幼》(Enjoying old age to benefit the young), a lecture to the PolyU Mini-U for the Third Age Summer Course 2014, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 19 June 2014.
- 《<朱子家禮>與祠堂文化》(Zhu Xi’s Family Rites and the culture of ancestral hall), for the 港澳珠三角地區研究生中國歷史文化研修班/ Seminars on Chinese History and Culture for Postgraduate Students from Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta Area organized by the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong (CIHK) and the Department of Chinese Culture, PolyU, at CIHK, 18 October 2014.
- “Introduction to Chinese Culture,” a lecture to the “China and Chinese Culture Certificate Programme 2014/15” of MISS (Mainland and International Students Services Office) and CIHK, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 12 November 2014.
- A talk and dialogue in the forum “當代儒學者對談:人格提升,一個基督徒與非基督徒的對話” (Dialogue of contemporary scholars of Confucian learning: a dialogue between a Christian and a non-Christian on elevation of personality)organized by播道神學院(Evangel Seminary), Hong Kong, 21 December 2014.
- 《廣東理學簡介:明代篇》(Introduction to Neo-Confucianism in Ming-dynasty Guangdong province),inaugural lecture for the三湖書院講壇 (Public lectures of Sanhu shuyuan),Sanhu shuyuan, 廣東省佛山市南海區西樵山/ Xiqiao, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 14 March 2015。
- 《<四書>與近世中國文化簡介》(The Four Books and early modern Chinese culture), a public lecture hosted by the Department of Chinese Culture and the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 20 March 2015. (The lecture was broadcasted by Channel One of RTHK’s (Radio and Television of Hong Kong) programme “大學堂” in 3 parts, each for 20 minutes from around 8.15 p.m., on 29 March 2015 (Sun), 5 (Sun) and 12 (Sun) April 2015. A summary of the lecture was published in the newspaper Ming Pao, 3 April 2015.
- 《宋至明初鄉約的演變》(Changes in the community compact from Song to early Ming times), lecture for the benchmarking project “Literati scholars and social and cultural changes in late imperial China” administered by the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan /台灣科技部人文社會研究中心“士人與近世社會文化變遷”標桿計劃。Taipei, 29 May 2015.
- 《十九世紀中越鄉約簡介》(Introduction to the community compact of 19th-century China and Vietnam), Houde Honorary Lecture of Tsinghua University, Taiwan /國立清華大學厚德榮譽講座。Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences/人文社會研究中心, Tsinghua University, Hsin-chu City, Taiwan, 1 June 2015.
- 《香港的中國文化學習》(Studying Chinese culture in Hong Kong), Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 3 June 2015.
- 《惠幼以娛老》(Benefitting the young for a happy old age),PolyU Institute of Active Ageing-Summer Mini-U 2015, 15 June 2015.
- 《中國經筵制度的早期變化》(Changes in early times of the Chinese imperial classical lecture institution), Academy of East Asian Studies, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, 11-14 August 2015.
- 《中國鄉約制度的早期變化》(Changes in early times of the Chinese community compact institution), Academy of East Asian Studies, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, 11-14 August 2015.
- 《傳統中華文化與素質教育》(Traditional Chinese culture and quality education), Hin Hua High School (興華中學), Klang, Malaysia, 15 October 2015.
- 《四書與中國文化理想》(The Four Books and Chinese Cultural Ideals), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 15 March 2016.
- 《中華傳統文化與素質教育》(Traditional Chinese Culture and Whole Person Education), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Shenzhen, China, 1 April 2016
- 《<明儒學案>的文字與校讎》Central China University (華中師範大學), Wuhan, China, 6 June 2016
- 《孔廟從祀禮制衍生的問題及其解決之道》, Central China University (華中師範大學), Wuhan, China, 7 June 2016
- 《王陽明從祀孔廟的學術與政治問題》, Wuhan University (武漢大學), Wuhan, China, 8 June 2016
- 《中國近世士大夫理想的儒學實質》, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (華中科技大學), Wuhan, China, 9 June 2016
- 《香港理工大學的通識/全人教育課程》 Wenzhou University, Wenzhou, China, 13 June 2016
- 《惠幼以娛老》(Benefitting the young for a happy old age),PolyU Institute of Active Ageing-Summer Mini-U 2016, 20 June 2016.
- “Ancestor Portraits and Spirit Tablets in Ritual Veneration,” lecture to the International Symposium on Visualizing China’s Imperial Order in Eurasia (1500-1800). Museums and Collections Services, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 16 July 2016.
- 《祠堂祭禮中的祖先神主》(Ancestor spirit tablets in veneration rites conducted in ancestor halls)。Ee Ho Hean Club, Singapore(新加坡怡和軒), 10 December 2016. (A report and summary [整理] by Chng Xing-liang 莊興亮 in 《怡和世纪》31期 / Yihe Shijie Issue 31 (Feb-May 2017), pp. 7-8.
- 《香港回歸祖國之前的中國傳統文化與歷史教育概況》 (Education of Chinese traditional culture and history before the return of sovereignty to China in 1997), Rotary Club of Hong Kong North (香港北區扶輪會), 9 February 2017.
- “Inspirations and Lessons: One Scholar’s Passage to Confucian Classics Learning and Ming History Study,” at The Relevance of the Classics Today International Round Table Workshop, March 1-3, 2017 (March 1), Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft, Freie Universitat Berlin.
- 《明太祖研究的視角與觀點》(Perspectives on the study of Ming Taizu, the Ming dynasty founder),首都師範大學(Capital Normal University), 21 April 2017.
- 《詮釋與判斷:一書二說和一書二評之例》(Interpretation and Judgment: the case of the same book differently understood),清華大學(Tsinghua University), 24 April 2017.
- 《常識提問和歷史認識》(Commonsensical questions and historical understanding)中國人民大學(Remin University of China), 24 April 2017.
- 《<明儒學案>研究上的問題》(Issues in the research of Mingru xuean, the source book of Ming Confucianism), 中國社科院歷史所 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), 25 April 2017.
- 《文集利用與歷史研究》(The use of literary collections for historical research北京師範大學歷史學院)(Beijing Normal University), 26 April 2017.
- 《古籍整理中的文化信息》(Cultural information from textual study of ancient books)北京師範大學古籍研究院 (Beijing Normal University), 26 April 2017.
- 《明代的經筵制度與經筵講章》(Imperial lecture system and lectures in Ming dynasty),中國社科院研究生院(Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), 27 April 2017.
- “Graduation ceremony speech” at Our Lady of the Rosary College (香港聖母玫瑰書院), Hong Kong, 19 May 2017.
- 《海外華裔的文化使命和社會責任》(Cultural mission and social responsibility of overseas Chinese),馬來西亞文化暨經濟促進會主辦、巴生福建會館、巴生廣東會館、南方大學學院中馬區校友會、馬華一帶一路中心、馬來西亞國際青年商會(巴生區)協辦。Klang, Malaysia, 11 June 2017.
- 《中國文化簡介》(Brief introduction to Chinese Culture), 吉隆坡中華獨立中學 (Chung-hwa Independent School of Kuala Lumpur), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 June 2017.
- 《文史老師座談(課程、內容、師資、教材、教法、考評、師生關係)》(A talk with high school teachers of Chinese literature and history), 吉隆坡中華獨立中學 (Chung-hwa Independent School of Kuala Lumpur), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 June 2017.
- 《珠光再現,努力增輝:珠海學院70周年畢業典禮主禮嘉賓致辭》(Commencement Speech at Chu Hai College of Higher Education), Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong, 9 October 2017.
- 《由常識開始的歷史認識》(Understanding history from common sense), Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 4 November 2017.
- 《基本歷史常識導致的深入歷史認識》(In-depth historical understanding leading from basic common sense of history), Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 4 November 2017.
Research Postgraduates Supervised and Supervising
Ph.D graduated 2004 to date:
- Hu Jixun 胡吉勛 – an associate professor in Hunan University, China
- Du Zhengzhen 杜正貞– an associate professor in Zhejiang University, China
- Zhang Yi 章毅 – an associate professor in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
- Fan Hua 樊鏵 – an assistant research fellow at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing (late)
- Xie Yang 解揚 – an associate research fellow at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing
- Liu Yong 劉勇 – a professor in Sun Yat-sen University, China
- Wu Zhaofeng 吳兆豐 – a lecturer in Wuhan University, China
- Zhu Ye 朱冶 – a lecturer in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
- Xie Maosong 謝茂松 – an independent scholar in China
- Ho Wei-hsuan 何威萱– an assistant professor in Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
- Tan Weihua 譚衛華 – a lecturer in Hunan Normal University, China
- Chen Guanhua 陳冠華–an assistant research fellow at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing
- Yu Jingdong 余勁東 – a lecturer in Changjiang University, China
- Hong Guoqiang洪國強 – a lecturer in Huazhong Normal University, China
Ph.D supervising:
- Zhng Xingliang 莊興亮 – from National University of Singapore
- Huang Tao 黃濤 – from Remin University
- Zhou Zhonglian 周中梁 – from Beijing Normal University
- Sun Tianjue孫天覺 – from Sun Yat-sen University
- Lin Zhan林展 – from Sun Yat-sen University
- Wang Anqi 王安琪 – from Lanzhou University
- Chan King-yeung 陳敬陽 – from Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Zhang Jiawei 張家偉 – from Wuhan University
MPhil supervised 2004-2015:
- Tam Kai-chai 譚家齊 – Ph.D from Oxford University, now an assistant professor in a HK university
- Ting Wing-yan Vivian 丁穎茵 – Ph.D from Leicester University, now an assistant professor in a HK university
- Chan King-yeung 陳敬陽 – a NGO administrator and pursuing a Ph.D at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Chan Lai-mei 陳麗媚 – a secondary school teacher
- Yang Yin 楊吟 – an administrator in a Shanghai education institution
- Chan Kin-shing 陳建成 – pursuing a Ph.D at Tokyo University
- Tang Kwok-leong 鄧國亮 – pursuing a Ph.D at Penn State University
- Lo Chi-hung Ina 盧志虹 – pursuing a Ph.D at McGill University
Consultancy and Service to the Profession / 顧問工作與行業服務
- Member, Sik Sik Yuen Cultural嗇色園文化委員會, 26 January 2018-present.
- Member, Intangible Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee appointed by Secretary for Home Affairs;term of office: 1 Jan 2015 to 31 Dec 2016. 民政事務局局長委任非物質文化遺產諮詢委員會委員;任期:2015年1月1日-2016年12月31日。
- Council Member, Confucius Institute of Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong, September 2009.5-2013.12. 香港孔子學院有限公司理事
- High school Chinese history textbook consultant to Modern Education Research Society Ltd/ 現代教育研究社有限公司, Hong Kong, August 2007-present. 香港現代教育研究社有限公司出版香港高中中國歷史教科書顧問
- Secondary school Chinese history textbook consultant to Modern Education Research Society Ltd / 現代教育研究社有限公司, Hong Kong, August 2007-present. 香港現代教育研究社有限公司出版香港初中中國歷史教科書顧問
- Project Coordinator/PI of Consultancy Services for Adopting a Thematic Approach in Organizing Chinese History Elements in the Proposed Integrated Humanities Curriculum Framework for Education Bureau, HKSAR Government. (March 2008-September 2009) 香港特區政府教育局委託“初中‘綜合人文科’中國歷史部分課程”顧問計畫主持人
- Project Coordinator/PI of Consultancy Services for Adopting a Combined History Approach in Organizing Chinese History Elements in the Proposed History and Culture Curriculum Framework for Education Bureau, HKSAR Government. (March 2008-September 2009) 香港特區政府教育局委託“初中‘歷史與文化’課程”顧問計劃主持人
- Member, Advisory Board on History, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 2008-present. 香港嶺南大學歷史系顧問
- Academic Advisor of the Faculty of Arts, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, June 2014-June 2016. 香港珠海學院文學院學術顧問
- Academic Advisor of the Department of Chinese, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong, 1 March 2017-. 香港珠海學院中文系學術顧問
- Honorary President of Alumni Association of Department of Chinese, Chu Hai College of Higher Education Limited, Hong Kong, 5 March 2017. 香港珠海學院中文系校友會榮譽會長
- Member, Board of Directors, The Chinese Association of Ming History/ 中國明史學會理事 (China), 2004-present.
- Member, Board of Directors, The Association of Zhu Xi Learning/ (中國)朱子學會理事 (China) , January 2012-present.
- Member, Academic Board, International Teochew Studies Society/ 國際潮學研究會學術委員 (Hong Kong) 2007-present.
- Chairman, Editorial Advisory Board, East Asian Library Journal (USA), 2005-present; Member, 1991-2005. 美國《東亞圖書館學報》顧問會主席;顧問
- Editorial Board Member, Book series of The Humanities in Asia published by Springer (Editor-in-Chief, Chu-ren Huang), 2014-.
- Editorial Board Member, Asia Major (UK/Taiwan), 2000-present. (英文國際學報)《Asia Major》編委
- Associate Editor, Studies in Chinese History《中國史學》(Japan), 1991-2007. 副總編輯(副徵集長)
- Editorial Board Member, New History《新史學》(Taiwan), 1990-present. (編委)
- Editorial Board Member, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies/《清華學報》(Taiwan), 2008-present. (編委)
- Advisor, National Central University Journal of Humanities/《中央大學人文學報》 (Taiwan), 2007- present. (顧問)
- Editorial Board Member, 《明史研究論叢》(Beijing), 2009-present. (特邀編委)
- Editorial Board Member, 《清華人文社會叢書歷史系列》(國立清華大學出版社出版), March 2010-present. (編輯委員)
- Reviewer of manuscripts for(以下出版社/學報審查人)
- 中國社會科學出版社 (Chinese Social Sciences Press)
- The Chinese University Press (Hong Kong) 香港中文大學出版社
- Asia Major (UK/Taiwan)
- Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies (USA)
- East Asian Library Journals (USA)
- Bulletin of The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (Taiwan) 《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》
- Bulletin of The Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica (Taiwan) 《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》
- Bulletin of The Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica (Taiwan) 《中央研究院中國文哲研究所集刊》
- Palace Museum Quarterly (Taiwan) 《故宮學術季刊》
- Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies (Taiwan) 《成功大學歷史學報》
- Historical Inquiry of National Taiwan University (Taiwan) 《臺大歷史學報》
- Yenching Journal of Chinese Studies (China) 《燕京學報》
- Journal of Chinese Studies (Hong Kong) 《中國文化研究所學報》
- Journal of Chinese Studies [Hanxue yanjiu] (Taiwan) 《漢學研究》
- Journal of History and Anthropology (Hong Kong/China) 《歷史人類學學刊》
- Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies (Taiwan) 《清華學報》
- National Central University Journal of Humanities (Taiwan) 《中央大學人文學報》
- 《香港中國近代史學會學報》/ Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong(Hong Kong)
- 《歷史研究》/ Historical Research (China)
- 《臺大文史哲學報》/ NTU Humanitas Taiwanica (Taiwan)
- 《東方文化》/ Journal of Oriental Studies (Hong Kong)
- 《饒宗頤國學院院刊》/ Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
- Reviewer in staff assessment and application for awards for
- Academia Sinica, Taiwan 臺灣中央研究院
- National Council of Science, Taiwan 臺灣國家科學委員會
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學
- National University of Singapore 新加坡國立大學
- University of Southern Maine, USA
- Colby College, Maine, USA
- University of Macau 澳門大學
- National Jiaotong University in Hsin-chu, Taiwan國立交通大學
- Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學
- External Examiner/External Assessor of
- The Open University of Hong Kong 香港公開大學
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學
- The University of Hong Kong 香港大學
- National University of Singapore 新加坡國立大學
- Institute of History, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan 臺灣清華大學歷史研究所
- University of Macau 澳門大學
- University of Macau Research Committee 澳門大學研究委員會
- University of Malaya, Malaysia 馬來亞大學
- Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學
- Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong香港珠海學院