| Language


* The BICS programme is now accepting applications.

Programme: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Bilingual Interdisciplinary Chinese Studies
Programme Code: 77403
Mode of Study: Full-time
Normal Duration: 2 years
Maximum Duration: 4 years
Class Commencement: September 2017
Credits Required: 63 credits
Tuition Fee: HK$42,100 per academic year (total : HK$84,200) for local students
Entrance Requirement: A Higher Diploma, an Associate Degree or the equivalent from a recognised institution in relevant disciplines such as Chinese language, history, philosophy, art, literature, culture, ethics, religions and other related fields.
Interview: Applicants maybe required to attend face-to-face interviews (for local applicants).
Selection Criteria: (1) Applicant’s academic results;
(2) Interview performance
Application Method: On-line Application System on the Academic Secretariat Website
Application Deadline: 20 February 2017