| Language




Are graduates of Associate Degree in Language and Culture / Associate Degree of Arts more competitive for the admission to this programme?

Graduates from these disciplines have received preliminary training in some of the focused areas of BICS, therefore stand a better chance of gaining admission.


What is the difference between UGC top-up and UGC degree? Are top-up students entitled to the same services of the University as other UGC-funded students, such as library, health services and scholarship?

The only difference between UGC top-up and UGC degree is the target student group. The UGC top-up degree programmes are restricted to recruit higher diploma and associate degree graduates, and the UGC degree programmes mainly recruit graduates of secondary school (JUPAS). Both of them are entitled to same services of the University.


Would there be any minimum English requirement for the programme, as indicated by the performance in public examinations?

The minimum English requirement is DSE level 2 or equivalent.


Can I take a minor Programme?

Our BICS students are classified as articulation / senior-year students by the University. Because of the short duration of the study programme, there is no minor option for this group of students.


Class Arrangement


Will classes be conducted at the PolyU campus?

Yes, classes are to be conducted at the PolyU campus, except for site visits, WIE and Service Learning.


Will BICS classes be open to top-up students as well as non-top-up students?

In addition to majors of the programme, classes will be opened to minor students who may have a non-top-up background.


Student Application


Can I apply for credit transfer or subject exemption if I have successfully completed similar subjects previously in another programme?

Yes, students can apply for credit transfer and subject exemption subject to the rules of the University. (Details will be given in the Student Handbook and application form.) Approval will be granted case by case.


Can I apply for the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) towards the study of this programme?

At present, BICS subjects are not registered under the CEF.




Is the degree of BICS conferred by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University? Is there any difference between the degree certificate of this top-up programme and normal UGC programmes?

Yes, the degree of BICS will be conferred by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. There is no difference between the degree certificate of this top-up programme and normal UGC programmes.




What is the prospect of studying the programme?

Our graduates can be well suited for a wide range of professions in the private and public sectors.


Will top-up degree graduates be accepted by institutions for admission to master degree or postgraduate diploma programmes?

The degree parchment will not show the awardees’ admission status, i.e., whether he/she is admitted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University a top-up or JUPAS student. There is no difference in the format of all bachelor certificates conferred by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

When applying for further study, the applicant is required to provide a full educational record. Some institutions may show preferences in admitting students with a JUPAS background.